"The surface of our region". Lesson on the world around (4th grade). The surface of our edge The surface of our edge lesson

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The surface of our edge 4 class

Relief A convex image on a plane. The structure of the earth's surface.

The surface is flat When you are outside a city or village, you see the area around. The surface area is different. In some places, there are neither large hills nor deep depressions on it. Such a surface is called flat or flat. On some plains, elevations can be observed. These are hills. A plain that has hills is called a hilly plain.

flat plain

Ravine There are ravines on both hilly and flat plains. Ravines often have steep, steep slopes, stretching for several kilometers in length, reaching a width and depth of several tens of meters. Streams often flow along the bottom of the ravines. After heavy rains and melting snow, the streams become turbulent, fast and erode the ravine even more. So the ravine grows in breadth and depth.

The image of the plain on the map The plains on the maps are depicted in green and yellow. On the territory of Russia there are two plains: East European and West Siberian.

The surface is mountainous The peaks of high mountains are often covered with eternal ice sparkling in the sun - glaciers. Often, glaciers have a bizarre shape: like a hat with earflaps, pulled down on the head of a giant rock; then like a sprawling tree, stretching its icy branches away from the trunk. The slopes of such mountains are steep, steep, and individual rocks, it seems, are about to break off and fly down, dragging everything along with them. But often the slopes of such mountains are covered with lush forests.

Variety of mountains There are low mountains on which there are almost no glaciers. Usually different plants grow on their slopes and peaks. Often in the mountains there are only bare rocks or stony placers. Mountain rivers and streams are stormy, swift. Lakes are beautiful in the mountains. They are small in size, but often very deep, with crystal clear water.

Image on the map Mountains on the maps are depicted in brown. The higher the mountains, the darker their color on the map. On the territory of Russia are the Caucasus Mountains, the Ural Mountains, Altai.

Plains and mountains in human life Man uses different forms of surface in different ways. On the plains, people plow the land, sow bread, plant vegetables, plant gardens. Part of the plains is occupied by meadows and pastures. Cattle are grazed on the pastures, hay is harvested in the meadows. Vast areas of the plains are covered with forests. Wood is harvested in the forests. It is convenient to build roads, cities, towns on the plains.

pasture on the plain

Plains and mountains in human life Mountains are less suitable for human use. But even here, especially in the valleys, people grow various plants, and where there are good meadows, they graze domestic animals. it is difficult to lay roads in the mountains: steep slopes, deep gorges, and cliffs interfere. Highways are usually narrow. On one side of the road, a mountain can rise, on the other, there can be a cliff. Roads in the mountains are dangerous for traffic. Here, drivers are required to be highly skilled. Railroads are laid in the valleys. Tunnels are being built for them in the mountains themselves.

Plains and mountains - a great place to relax. There are many sanatoriums, rest houses, tourist centers on the plains and mountains. Holidays in the mountains, especially in summer and winter. Attracts a lot of people. The mountains attract with amazing beauty and unusualness.

The surface of the Perm region is heterogeneous.

In the west and in the central part there is a hilly Russian Plain: in some places it is cut by ravines, crossed by river valleys. In the northeast and east are ancient Ural mountains.

The highest mountain - Tulymsky stone, whose height is 1469 m above sea level.

Stones in the Urals are called rocks that rise sharply above the rest of the area.

The mountains of the Middle Urals are quite destroyed. Their tops are rounded, dome-shaped, the height is negligible.

Between the Russian Plain and the Ural Mountains there is a low plain. It is composed mainly of gypsum and limestone. These rocks are easily eroded and dissolved by underground and river waters. As a result of their destructive joint action, caves, underground rivers, lakes, failures, underground voids were formed here. So, to the southeast of Perm there are many caves.

The largest of them - Kungur ice cave, known not only in our region, but also far beyond its borders. The length of the Kungur ice cave is more than five kilometers.

This is an underground palace! The sun's rays do not penetrate here, so even in summer the temperature is below zero. Drops of water, seeping through the cracks, form icicles that grow from top to bottom (they are called stalactites) and from bottom to top (they are called stalagmites). In the rays of colored lanterns, all this sparkles, creating an amazing bright picture.

The cave consists of many grottoes and passages. Cave grottoes have different names: "Polar" (here is the kingdom of ice). "Meteor", "Coral", "Ether".

The most beautiful of them - " Diamond Grotto", ice crystals, which shine and sparkle even in the light of lit fires.

Meet in the cave and gloomy places such as the grotto" Dante"- in its depths, as if a stone monster lurked.

And in the grotto friendship of Peoples"There is a large underground lake, it is located at a depth of about 1300 m and three meters deep, which can be seen, as the water is crystal clear, and has a natural greenish tint, but very cold.

Every year curious tourists come here to see this amazing underground palace, even to celebrate the New Year with a live Christmas tree. Amazing fact - in the grotto" Giant"The Christmas tree can stand without crumbling without water, all year round and more.

Here is such an amazing cave in the Perm region. For a long time her fabulous beauty remains in the memory.

100 km southeast of the city of Perm is located Orda cave.

What is its peculiarity?

This is the longest underwater cave in Russia, the second longest in Eurasia and the longest underwater gypsum cave in the world.

Orda Cave is a unique underwater city. There are a huge number of underground galleries that can be seen thanks to the clear water.

Explorers, geologists, geographers, biologists, studying karst phenomena of the Urals, conduct constant observations in the caves and their environs.

According to scientists, four-fifths of the territory of our region is rolling plains and one fifth mountains.

The flat surface is more convenient for agriculture and forestry, the construction of industrial enterprises, roads and residential complexes. Difficulties in human economic activity are created by mountains, ravines, karst formations. They interfere with the construction of roads and industrial facilities, agriculture and mining. However, many of them are amazingly beautiful and majestic objects, such as Chuvalsky stone.

Ridge Chuvalsky Stone

Sawtooth ledge on the western slope

The Kuryksar ridge corresponds to the Mansi

The name is "cockscomb".

Mount Munin Tump

The volcanics of the Chuval Formation are often armored

Relief and attach peaks characteristic appearance

Ruined cities.

Earth surface shapes

Plains- flat or almost flat areas of the earth's surface
Mountains- These are very uneven areas of the earth's surface, which rise strongly above the surrounding area.
Almost all mountains arose due to the movement of tectonic plates. They come in three main types - folded, block and domed. Most of the highest mountains, for example, the Himalayas (Asia), are folded; they extend over vast distances, forming chains. Some mountains are still growing, others are being destroyed, or eroded, under the influence of atmospheric phenomena.
Parts of mountain and hill
At the mountain and the hill, the parts are called the same, there are three of them: the top, the slope and the sole, or in another way the foot. The slope can be steep or gentle. The height will distinguish the mountain from the hill.

Draw a mountain and label its parts

What is the surface in your area? Draw or paste a photo



High in the mountains, you can see some of the most amazing, impressive landscapes on our planet: jagged, snow-capped mountain peaks, deep gorges, wide valley glaciers, rushing rivers and water streams. Mountains constantly challenge the human desire for adventure.

Synopsis of the lesson of the world around us in grade 4

Subject:The surface of our region.

(textbook Pleshakov A.A. "The world around")

Lesson Objectives:

    To form in students an idea of ​​​​the surface of their native land. Learn to work with the map.

    To acquaint students with the concepts: ravine, beam, quarry, waste heaps, landfill. Discuss the causes and how to deal with them.

    To develop the cognitive activity of children, observation, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

    Cultivate respect for nature.


    Textbook Pleshakov A.A. "The world";

    Presentation "The surface of our region";


During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Good afternoon guys. Close all your eyes and listen to me:

Everything is beautiful in the sky

Great on earth

Everything around is beautiful

Everything about me is great!

They opened their eyes, looked at each other, smiled, sat quietly.

The sun is shining over Russia
And the rains rustle over it.
In the whole world, in the whole world
There is no country of her relatives!

Why in the whole world there are no relatives of the country? (Russia is our Motherland, the country in which we live. This is our house, which is impossible not to love. )

2. Updating knowledge

I suggest you go on an expedition today. Do you mind such a proposal? What do you need to take with you on an expedition?(Children's answers.)

Now you are ready. You will try to determine the purpose of our expedition yourself. To begin with, remember what you already know in order to apply this knowledge during the expedition. Think about what the expedition members should carefully study before setting off?(Your route.)

slide 2

Guys, look carefully at the physical map of Russia. What terrain do you see here?(On the territory of Russia there are mountains and plains. Among the plains there are lowlands, uplands, or hills, and plateaus.)

How can all this be determined on a map?(By convention - by color.)

What color are these objects marked on the map?(Plains in green, hills in yellow, plateaus in light brown.)

The members of our expedition will now split into three groups to explore the plains of Russia. Each of you takes a card, which indicates the geographical object under study, and joins your group.

(The cards show the names of the plains: East European, West Siberian, Central Siberian Plateau .)

Discuss in groups where your property is located, what you can say about it using a physical map.

And now a representative from each group shows his object on the map, names it and reports the prepared information.

(The names of the plains appear on the map, the correctness of the answers is checked.)

Where is our region located?(The territory of the Moscow region is located on the East European Plain.)

slide 3

- Expedition membersWell done, they gave us accurate information. This means that each of you will be able to help one unlucky foreign tourist who, while traveling around Russia, took a lot of interesting photos, and now he can’t figure them out in any way. What do you think, what photos could a tourist take in our region?

(1, 3, 5.)

Why did you decide so?(These photographs show a hilly plain. This is the relief of our area.)

slide 4

Let's continue our research. Discuss in groups the answer to the slide question: “What are the similarities and differences between these geographical features?” Prepare to make a message.(Hills and mountains have a bottom, a slope, a top. A mountain and a hill differ in height.)

slide 5

To be more precise, the height of the lowlands is up to 200 m, the heights are 200-500 m, the plateaus are 500-800 m, the height of the mountains is over 800 m.

slide 6

What symbol will help to find mountains on the map?(Mountains are indicated on the map in brown. The higher the mountains, the darker the color.)

Remember and discuss in groups which mountains are located on the territory of Russia.

Expeditionary groups go along their route and prepare reports about their objects: 1st group goes on an expedition to the Caucasus Mountains, 2nd group - to the Ural Mountains, 3rd group - to the Sayan and Altai mountains.

Discuss in groups where your property is located, what you can report about it using a physical map.

(The names of the mountains appear on the map by clicking, the correctness of the answers is checked.)

Slide 7

What did you feel when you looked at these photos?(How beautiful our country is.)

3. Goal setting

Slide 8

Discuss in groups the answer to the slide question: how do people use the territory of our region?

Who is ready to speak?(Cities, villages, villages are being built on the territory of our region; roads are being laid; lands are cultivated.)

Slide 9

Consider these photos carefully. What do you see on them? (Abandoned quarry, garbage dump, ravine, some ugly mountains).

How do you feel when you look at these photos?(Disappointment, sadness, indignation at what people have done on earth.)

Guys, such places on Earth are the pain of the planet, these are its wounds. We often talk about the importance of protecting rare plants and animals, water and air. Should the surface of the earth be protected?

Why is this so important to us?(children's answers)

What will be the main goal of our expedition?

What interested you when you studied the photographs on this slide? What questions would you like answered?(How do such wounds appear on the surface of the earth? Can all this be fixed?)

4. Discovery of new knowledge

Slide 10

We will conduct the next study on a hilly plain. Here, in addition to the hills, we can meet a ravine and a gully. I propose to explore these objects with the help of a slide and compare them.

( The ravine and the beam are similar in that they have slopes. But the slopes of the ravine are steep and crumbling. And the slopes of the beam are gentle, overgrown with grass, trees, shrubs . )

Try to explain how they appear on the surface of the earth.

(Education ravine begins with a small pothole, a furrow on the surface of the soil. Streams of melt and rain water wash it away, and therefore the ravine gradually increases. At the same time, it destroys large areas of fertile soil.

Over time (after many years) the slopes of the ravine become gentle, overgrown with grass, shrubs, trees. The ravine stops growing. So he turns into beam.)

I suggest checking the correctness of your versions.

slide 11

There is a Golosov ravine in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve. Look at the photo.

slide 12

Why do you think it's called that?(Children's answers.)

- The name "Voices" is a derivative of the Voices. That is, named after Bolos (Veles) - the pagan Slavic god of the underworld and the other world. Stones in Kolomenskoye, lying at the bottom, served as a place of sacrifice to this deity.

slide 13

Look at these illustrations and try to determine what else is one of the reasons for the formation of a ravine?

What group is ready to tell us about it?

Who wants to supplement the answer of their comrades or express a different point of view?

( Another reason for the appearance of a ravine is improper plowing of land.)

Think about why improper plowing can lead to a ravine?(Rain and melt water flows down the furrows from the top of the hill and erodes the soil.)

What advice would you give to a tractor driver who plows the land on a hilly plain?

( It is possible to carry out plowing of land on a hilly plain only across the slope, in this case the furrows will retain water and the water will not wash away the soil. )

Slide 14

Discuss in groups what is a quarry and how is it formed?

What group is ready to tell us about it?

Who wants to supplement the answer of their comrades or express a different point of view?

(Career is a huge wound on the surface of the earth. Once sand, clay, limestone, coal and other minerals were mined in the quarry. After the mining was completed, the quarry remained abandoned.)

slide 15

Discuss in groups what is a dump and how is it formed?

What group is ready to tell us about it?

Who wants to express a different point of view or supplement the answer of their comrades?

(A landfill is a place of land occupied by construction waste: broken bricks, glass fragments, slabs, and many others. Landfills appear near construction sites. Builders dump the remains of building materials there.)

You have researched objects that become earth wounds. Who will remind us of the main goal of our expedition?(Carefully study the problems that have arisen on the surface of our region, and discuss measures for its protection.)

I propose to discuss measures to protect the surface of our region in groups. Tasks for groups you will see on the slide.

slide 16

(After the discussion, the students speak out and check the information fromslides 17, 18, 19 .)

Slide 20

Look at the unusual mountains that appeared on our planet through the fault of man. Such mountains are calledwaste heaps . How do you think they formed?

(Children's answers.)

What source is available to you to verify the correctness of your assumptions?(In the textbook.)

Use this source to check.

(Children's answers.)

Waste heaps were formed really from waste (waste rocks) during the extraction of minerals. Unfortunately, they do not decorate our planet at all, but on the contrary, they disfigure it. In addition, they harm the environment. Think how?

(The teacher asks leading questions: what will happen if a strong wind blows, if the waste heap catches fire, if it rains heavily?)

Do you think it is possible to fight this? What could you suggest to solve this problem?

slide 21

5. Primary fastening

slide 22

Game "Know me" (in groups). Each correct answer is one point.

    I have a sole and a slope, and my top is so high in the sky that I even had to wear a white hat. (Mountain)

    I also have a sole, a gentle slope and a top. (Hill)

    I was created by man, I spread clouds of dust and can burn. (Spoil heaps)

    I am a deepening of the earth's surface, I have a gentle slope, I am covered with grass and shrubs. (Beam)

    I am on the edge of the field, and I was formed from the wrong plowing of the earth. (Ravine)

6. Reflection

What important issues did we discuss today?

Did you manage to get answers to them?

And now I invite you to evaluate your work.

slide 23

You have emoticons on your desk. Please show megreen emoticons are those who succeeded in the lesson,yellow - there were mistakes, but I fixed everything,red - I didn't do well.

Guys, I am sure that when you grow up, you will try to do everything so that our native land becomes even more beautiful, and there are no such places that cause pain and resentment in the soul.


6. Homework.

I also suggest that you complete a creative task: write an appeal to the residents about how they should use the surface of our land in order to preserve it for future generations.

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