A person’s life priorities and their role in life. Set priorities in life, and it will respond with good luck and a kind smile Set life priorities

Throughout life, every person faces many problems, not only personal, but also social. A lot of questions arise: which ones should be addressed first, which ones should be put off for a long time, and which ones should simply be ignored. And how you need to build your life so that it is comfortable for yourself and others. There is only one answer that will help put everything in its place. You need to set your priorities correctly in life and try not to deviate from them.

Meaning of the concept

Human life has many facets; it is complex, unpredictable and individual. Each person has his own character, so people treat the same events in life differently. Views on current events and their perception distinguishes one person from another. Everyone associates the word priority with different things. A student sees a long-awaited diploma in front of him, an athlete sees victory in a competition, a young specialist sees career growth. The concept of what life priorities are can be characterized by the following phrase: “Priorities are activities that, after a certain time, can justify the effort and time spent on them.”

Classification of priorities

Priorities are always aimed at obtaining the desired result and achieving the set goals. These actions will require a certain amount of time. According to this principle, it is customary to classify life priorities:

  • Long-term. They are usually global and can be carried out throughout life (raise children, wait for grandchildren, become famous, etc.).
  • Medium term. They are usually planned until a certain age (20, 30, 40... years).
  • Short-term or simply urgent. These are priorities that become most relevant in the near future (by the end of the week, month, quarter, etc.)

In the modern world, it is customary to distinguish between eight components of a comprehensive priority model.

  1. Spirituality. The inner world of a person, his spiritual development, moral side.
  2. Family. Relationships with loved ones, mutual understanding, the desire to make them happy.
  3. Health. Attitude to your health, rest, ability to take care of yourself, playing sports.
  4. Material aspect. Attitude to the material side of life, ambitions based on finances;
  5. Career. Achieving professional and labor success, career growth, promotion.
  6. Rest. The desire to provide yourself and your loved ones with proper rest, travel, and hobbies.
  7. Self-development. The desire for new knowledge, constant self-improvement.
  8. Society. Relationships with other people, communication skills, social recognition.

Factors of influence

Values ​​and priorities in life depend on many factors. Fundamental in this matter are time, events and circumstances that influenced a person’s worldview.

Time always determines priorities. Starting from a conscious age, the child tries to learn to be independent. Then he learns to read and write, and play certain games. By getting to know the world, the baby gives a start to setting his priorities in life. In the future, young people set themselves the goal of learning and mastering a profession. At this age, they rarely think about their health, about their future family, etc. Mature people devote more time to health, relaxation, and traditions. It follows from this that priorities in life change over time, and each generation is characterized by their individual arrangement.

An important factor is the events that happen to a person throughout his life. This is accumulated experience, a look from a different angle, a reassessment of values. These events can be positive (for example, meeting a loved one, a like-minded person). Everything that seemed important until now fades into the background, and new desires appear. Sometimes the experience is sad, and then the disappointed person radically changes his plans and views.

Circumstances also influence changes in worldview. A person may be forced to change his life priorities. An example would be the work of a farmer, which is completely dependent on weather conditions. The man had a goal to harvest the harvest and sell it safely, but constant rains or drought prevented his dream from coming true. Fearing similar weather anomalies, the farmer will no longer take risks and next year will prefer a direction in the farm that does not depend on the weather.

Men's priorities

Priorities in life are distributed not only by age, but also by gender. A man is a protector, a successor of the family and a reliable support for his family. He always dreams of self-realization, because only in this status does he feel confident. That is why the main priority for representatives of the stronger sex is financial independence. It will allow you to provide for your family and make your loved ones happy. The most popular goals in men's lives are:

  • finance;
  • work and career;
  • health;
  • rest.

Women's priorities

Women's priorities in life are radically different from men's. Representatives of the fair sex pay more attention to family matters, relationships with their husbands, and raising children. They try to create family coziness, provide comfortable conditions for household members, take care of the health of their close relatives, honor traditions, etc. Work and career become secondary for them, although there are exceptions. Sometimes women perfectly combine family and work, without giving preference to either of these aspects. But the most popular for ladies are such priority areas as:

  • family;
  • health;
  • spirituality;
  • rest.

Today's priorities

It is necessary to understand and realize that every person today has a certain scale of values. Even if you have never analyzed your priorities before this moment, you can confidently say that it appeared in a person’s head unconsciously. The main principle is the concept of the importance of a particular matter. If a person not only understands that this is important, but also does what is important, this is his motivation today.

Limited list

The main priorities in life should not be confused with a wish list. To make a choice, you need to highlight several of the most important areas in life. Just imagine that the list consists of ten items and try not to exceed it. It is necessary to formulate goals that will provide the desired state. For example, you shouldn’t plan to have high incomes and at the same time not want to work, not want to give up bad habits and dream of good health. You have to be prepared for the fact that something will have to be sacrificed.

Your own comfort

Very often those aspects that do not bring satisfaction to a person become priorities. He is forced to do what he does not want, to communicate with those who are unpleasant to him. It is in this case that the word “must” comes first, completely overshadowing feelings and desires. Psychologists recommend wisely distributing personal qualities and virtues. Character qualities allow a person to succeed in his career and achieve stunning success in the industrial sphere. But he still has a family, personal attachments, hobbies, etc. Many people give preference to material aspects and almost completely ignore those moments that are close to his heart. You need to listen to your soul and be sure to include feelings and sensations in your priorities. Inner harmony and spiritual comfort will become the starting point, and putting things in order will become much easier.

Finding your own values

To be able to correctly set your priorities, you need to analyze your own thoughts and desires. Psychologists recommend finding time for yourself and answering four simple questions:

  • what does a person want locally and globally;
  • what are his goals in the direction of his dreams;
  • what he is ready to do to achieve his goals;
  • what a person can give up in the next five years.

Answering the questions posed, a person will suddenly catch himself thinking that he knows how to prioritize in life. He will decide on his desires and find the right solution to the issues. And the last point will allow a person to weed out everything unnecessary that may interfere with him on the path to his dream.

Such self-analysis should be carried out at least once a year, since life is changeable and fleeting. Plans may simply not have time to come true, views may change, circumstances may change. Thanks to this simple procedure, you can summarize all the work done and draw up a similar plan for the future.

Abraham Maslow's Categories of Needs

American psychologist Abraham Maslow developed his theory, proposed in the form of a hierarchy of human needs. The pyramid theory has gained immense popularity in the field of marketing because it makes it possible to track the principle of motivation for buyers to sell more goods. But the most valuable theory is for ordinary people who strive to streamline their lives and make them happy. With the help of a pyramid, you can understand what priorities are in life and in what order they should be placed. According to Maslow, there are five categories of needs:

  • Primitive. These are human physiological needs: food, drink, etc.
  • Safety. This is a roof over your head, comfortable living conditions.
  • Communication. Relationships in society, communication skills, affection, love.
  • Status. Work, career, recognition.
  • Spirituality. Self-development, self-awareness, desire for spiritual elevation.

Each person can set their priorities according to the proposed principle and track progressive results in achieving the goal. It is recommended to make a pyramid according to the principle: from the most necessary and simple to the most global, long-term and complex. The more often a person looks at his priorities in life, the more accurately he will understand how to achieve perfection and the desired happiness.

Correctly set priorities are the key to happiness and well-being. A person who does not strive for anything will never be able to taste victory. It’s worth streamlining your life a little, finding the right vector of movement, and joyful days will become constant companions of a long and happy life.

Yuri Okunev School

Good day to all. I am with you, Yuri Okunev.

Have you already decided on your life priorities? Have you decided what to put in first place and what to put in tenth place? No? Then I hasten to warn you - you risk being left in old age with the terrifying feeling that you didn’t live your life the way you dreamed.

I really hope that this won’t happen to you, but I still strongly recommend that you figure out what your priorities are in life and what they are for you. This will help you understand yourself, your aspirations and direct your life in the right direction. Until it's not too late.

A person’s life is like a puzzle that is made up of thousands of tiny pieces - our actions and decisions, natural events and unexpected accidents. Each piece relates to one or another area of ​​life:

  • To the family.
  • Work.
  • To friends.
  • Relaxation and entertainment.
  • Study and self-improvement.
  • Health, etc.

And depending on what pieces we connect with each other and what their relationship is in the puzzle, the path of life takes on certain features.

Priority is your favorite color in the picture of life, an area of ​​activity or a principle that captures the maximum of your time and attention. What you do first, for which you are willing to put everything else aside for a while.

The destinies of people with different priorities develop into completely different pictures. Some are colorful and positive. It’s a pleasure to look at these in old age. Others have unsightly gray ones, instilling melancholy and a feeling of deep disappointment.

This is why the problem of determining your priorities is so great and pressing. After all, it is almost impossible to do everything at once. So what should you put at the forefront so that you don’t regret the “aimless years lived”? What values ​​should you focus on? Is there a universal formula for creating a known happy picture?

Maslow's pyramid

When discussing the issue of life priorities, it is worth recalling the famous table of human needs compiled in 1943 by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. If you make a list of natural human needs, it will look like this:

  1. Physiology (food, water, warmth, need for reproduction, etc.)
  2. Safety (protection from anything that poses a threat to health or life).
  3. Love.
  4. Respect (recognition by others of your value, importance).
  5. Cognition and creativity (as an irreplaceable component of self-development).
  6. Aesthetics (a person needs beauty and harmony).
  7. Self-realization.

This sequence corresponds to human nature, and therefore is completely natural and correct. No matter how much you strive for beauty, basic satisfaction of hunger and thirst will be your top priorities. After all, you won’t be able to talk about lofty matters, being on the verge of starvation, if only for purely physiological reasons.

It turns out that, based on natural needs, priorities may look like this:

  1. Work as a means of earning income and a way to get food, warmth and security.
  2. Family, loved ones, friends and all those whom you love/who love you.
  3. The need for recognition of oneself by society.
  4. Study, creativity, self-development.

However, even Maslow himself emphasized that different people can move positions in this hierarchy as they see fit. Everyone will also interpret the components of the list in their own way. So, for some, to satisfy the need for food is to have a snack with a slice of lean bread and a glass of milk. And for some - to dine in a luxurious restaurant with culinary delights with unpronounceable foreign names.

In addition, there are other models for determining life priorities. Some people put duty first, some put God first, some put the pleasures of the senses.

And all because each person is a unique worldview system, a unique set of values, convictions, principles, beliefs, knowledge, skills and expectations from life. Moreover, our aspirations are influenced by age, current social and natural environment, life events, other people, current difficulties, etc.

As a result, it is simply impossible to talk about any single method that would be equally good for every single inhabitant of the planet. So how do you set your priorities so that your quality of life is at the level you need?

Time to make a choice!

If you have realized your dissatisfaction with life, then it’s time to change something. In a radical way, but at the same time thoughtfully weighing all the pros and cons. After all, you don’t want to be left with nothing, do you?

Step 1 . Frank conversation with paper

To do this, take several sheets of paper and answer the following questions in writing:

  • What do you consider the most important thing in life? Identify no more than two or three positions, highlighting one as the dominant.
  • What do you actually spend the most time on? Make a list of activities that dominate your daily routine.
  • What do you want to achieve from life? Imagine yourself in 10, 20 years. What type of person are you? Where do you live? How do you earn money? How do you relax? Who do you communicate with? Do you have a family, and what is it like? The image should be truly close to you.
  • What does that require? Take into account physiological abilities, character traits, knowledge and skills, the presence of certain acquaintances, documents and money, place of residence, etc.
  • What's stopping you from getting what you want? And now point by point - everything that is missing to meet the dream.
  • What is your lasting value? Something you can’t live without, something you can’t give up. For example, “I won’t quit my job,” “I won’t go far from my parents,” “I will always take care of the children.”
  • What are you willing to sacrifice? And here - on the contrary, what is less important.

To make the information clear, use lists, graphs, tables, diagrams. This will make it easier to study the data.

Step 2. Analyze it!

For example, your priority is to realize yourself in your profession. You dream of becoming an illustrator. To do this, you need to create and improve your technique, communicate with other artists, participate in competitions, exhibit works for public criticism, etc.

In fact, you got married early, gave birth to a baby, and after returning from maternity leave, you work part-time as an administrator at a nearby hairdresser. You sublimate your thirst for creativity into creating “homemade” comics for your child and congratulatory posters for your colleagues. Everyone really likes your drawings, but you understand that you passionately want more. So, it’s time to urgently improve your life!

Already calling your boss to tell him you're leaving? Very stupid! You wanted to change your life for the better, not destroy it. And for this you need to act competently and consistently.

Step 3. Action plan.

Having understood your true desires, set goals - long-term (5 years, 2 years, a year) and short-term (month, week, day). First take the problem in a global sense. Then break each task down into several subtasks, and then break them down into even smaller goals that you can start achieving tomorrow. For example, to be an illustrator you need:

  1. Find a suitable job (full-time or freelance).
  2. Create resume.
  3. Send your resume to companies/potential clients.
  4. Create a vibrant portfolio.
  5. Select ready-made drawings.
  6. Draw new ones.
  7. Buy photoshop or paper and paints/pencils.

Step 4. Take action!

Start by solving the simplest pressing problems, constantly checking the main course. Change the reality around you gradually, but with confidence.

Remember that in the future you will be able to vary the list of tasks, goals, and even change priorities altogether. This is absolutely normal.

Step 5: Master the art of juggling

Few people are willing to give up everything for the sake of one single dream. Behind priority No. 1 there are also items No. 2, 3, 4, etc. And they are important to you too. For example, a loving mother and wife will not be able to leave her family and devote herself to drawing.

Therefore, you will have to master the skill of juggling your own life priorities. You will constantly need to replace the crystal balls “child”, “husband”, “creativity”, “health” with each other, trying to ensure that none of them falls and breaks.

As you can see, setting priorities, drawing up an effective life strategy and competently following it are not easy tasks. Not everyone manages to solve them correctly. The one I developed is your opportunity to decide on your true desires, put everything in its place and take the first steps towards happiness, harmony and self-affirmation.

And if you still have questions, I invite you to an individual consultation. Details.

With this, let me take my leave. Yuri Okunev was with you. There is a lot of interesting and useful things ahead. Subscribe so you don't miss anything. See you again!

Have you ever thought about the core values ​​and priorities in your life? This refers to those core values ​​that serve as a beacon in order not to stray from your chosen path in life or the rules of the game of life by which you live.

I would like to clarify that the main life goals are not implied here, the emphasis is on main priorities in a person's life, which guides him when setting these goals. These are values ​​that directly influence personal perception of the world around us. As John Connor asked the Terminator in the third film: “What is the task?”

A small personal example – the main values ​​in a person’s life

  • Energy

This priority in a person’s life means mainly health, and these are sports, nutrition, movement, etc.

  • Mindfulness

These are attention, concentration, vigilance, concentration, introspection. All those personal qualities that will not allow you to “fall asleep in life”, that will protect you from external mental influence, thanks to which a full-fledged conscious life is possible here and now, which is built on personal values, tasks and priorities.

  • Self-development

Self-control and action based on usefulness, knowledge and creation.

Those. Each action is evaluated in terms of benefit, learning new things, creation in the outside world, learning and energy through awareness.

Such values ​​in a person’s life as awareness and self-observation will lead to the unity of thought and action. I thought - I did it! Overthinking that ultimately does not lead to action creates internal imbalance, develops indecisiveness and wastes personal energy.

When setting goals, performing certain actions, making decisions, etc., ask the question:

Will this contribute to my health, what will I gain in terms of self-development and creation?

Or even simpler: What does this give me?


If you want to be a happy person, you need to set your life priorities correctly. What are priorities? This is an arrangement of things in your life by importance, i.e. what is primary for you and what is secondary. Each person has his own priorities in life. Your future depends on how correctly you arrange them for yourself.

Do not confuse priorities in life with desire. What is the difference between these concepts? Priorities reflect human needs, the satisfaction of which is necessary for complete happiness.

Life priorities

They are laid in childhood. we set ourselves based on our priorities. And if they are placed correctly, then you are guaranteed. And our desires can change every minute and depend on our mood. Try to be the master of your desires and do not allow the opposite situation to happen. Otherwise, you will lose yourself, becoming a slave to your desires, and along with this all priorities in life will disappear. A very striking example of when people passionately desire to have big money and at the same time become like zombies. They can't just talk about anything else. They hid all their life priorities deep inside themselves. That kind of money will not bring happiness.

First of all, you need to decide on the main priority in life, without which you cannot imagine your existence. As a rule, a dilemma often arises between family and career. Here you should listen only to your heart, despite the fact that someone will persuade you, drawing rosy prospects.

If you agree to be persuaded, even if it is your parents, you will choose their priority over yours. As a result, you will lose time rather than gain it. As a result, in your later years you will have the feeling that you have lived someone else’s life. Even if this happens, never be afraid to radically change your life, and give the opportunity to break through to your inner “I”.

Nowadays, many people have the belief that happiness can only come from having money in life. If you measure everything by money and are very sensitive to it, you will sooner or later lose it, and this can become an irreparable blow to your psyche and, as a result, deep depression. You should not prioritize in life based on prestige. Today we consider one thing prestigious, and tomorrow another. Life flows and everything changes. With such a choice, you will become completely confused and lose yourself as an individual.

So, to summarize, when choosing your priorities, listen to your heart and be guided by love in life. Feelings such as envy, self-doubt, guilt, and a sense of duty will lead you to the wrong choice. If you, right off the bat, cannot understand what is more important to you and what is less, do the following.

Write down on a piece of paper all the priorities that you think should definitely be in your life, and don’t forget about yourself. Then take the first item on your list and, thinking about it, draw a circle on another piece of paper. It is important not to think about its significance, but just to think about it without straining. Label this circle with the name of this priority. Do the same with everyone else. At the end, compare the sizes of these circles and it will immediately become clear what is primary for you and what is secondary. Now you can start building your happy life.

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