Voskresensky in South International Tourism. Introduction. provision of legal information

V.Yu. Voskresensky


Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Center "Professional Textbook" as a textbook for university students studying in specialties 230500 "Socio-cultural service and tourism", 2500 "Geography", 061100 "Organization management", "Economics and management in an enterprise (by industry) »


Candidate of Geographical Sciences I.M. Kuzina (leading researcher at the Department of Socio-Economic Geography

foreign countries, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu B. Bashin (Head of the Department of Social Management and Tourism, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering). Editor-in-chief of the publishing house, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences N.D. Eriashvili

Voskresensky, Vladimir Yurievich. B76 International tourism: textbook. manual for university students studying in specialties 230500 “Sociocultural service and tourism”, 012500 “Geography”, 061100 “Organization management”, 060800 “Economics and management at an enterprise (by industry)” / V.Yu. Voskresensky. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006. - 255 p.

ISBN 5-238-00975-5 Agency CIP RSL UDC 338.48(100)(075.8) BBK 75.81(0)я73-1 В76

The manual contains information about the theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism, the geography of international tourism demand and the recreational potential of countries. Tourism is also considered as a factor in the socio-economic growth of individual regions and the country as a whole. The geography of the world's tourism resources is given, and characteristics of the countries most frequently visited by tourists, as well as countries that are still poorly explored by travelers, are given.

For university students studying the academic discipline “International Tourism”, as well as managers of travel companies and a wide range of readers.


Chapter 1. Theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism

1.1. Introduction to International Tourism

1.1.1. International tourism (definition and research methods)

1.1.2. Connection of the course “International Tourism” with other scientific disciplines

1.1.3. Classification of types of tourism activities

1.1.4. Prospects for the development of international tourism

1.1.5. Modern factors in the development of international tourism

1.2. Specifics and composition of the tourism industry

1.2.1. The concept of the tourism industry, its role and place in the global economy

1.2.2. Structure of the tourism industry

1.3. History of tourism

1.4. Socio-psychological factors in tourism

1.4.1. Socio-psychological aspects of tourism development

1.4.2. The concept of tourist motivation; typology of tourists

1.5. Economics and organization of international tourism

1.5.1. Basic economic laws and categories in tourism

1.5.2. Analysis of the macroeconomic factor of tourism activity

1.5.3. Disclosure of the main financial and economic indicators of the activity of a travel agency and features of organizing a tour

1.5.4. Tourism and regional economy

1.6. Insurance in international tourism

1.7. Legal support of tourism activities.

1.7.1. Legal regulation of tourism activities

1.7.2. Basic rules and formalities of international travel

1.8. Organization of accommodation facilities

1.9. Transport support for international tourism

1.10. Theoretical foundations of tourist regional studies

1.10.1. The place of tourist regional studies in the system of sciences

1.10.2. Plan of regional characteristics of recreational

potential of the territorial complex

Chapter 2. Geography of the world's tourism resources

2.1. Tourist resources of foreign Europe

2.1.1. Scandinavian countries

2.1.2. Mediterranean European resort hotbed

2.1.3. Western European countries

2.1.4. Alpine countries of Europe

2.1.5. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe

2.2. Tourism Resources of America

2.2.1. North and Central America

2.2.2. Island states and territories of the Caribbean

2.2.3. South America

2.3. Africa Tourism Resources

2.3.1. North Africa

2.3.2. South East and Southern Africa

2.3.3. West Africa

2.4. Tourism resources of Asia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR)

2.4.1. Recreational potential and modern tourism development

2.4.2. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Australia and Oceania

2.5. Tourist resources of Russia and neighboring countries

2.5.1. Characteristics of the main tourist and resort areas in Russia

2.5.2. Modern features of tourism development in Russia

2.5.3. Features of tourism development in neighboring countries and the Kaliningrad region

Chapter 3. International tourism as an industry of sustainable development

3.1. International tourism as a factor in regional development

3.1.1. Tourism as a factor in the development of backward and depressed people

3.1.2. Tourism as a factor in rural development

3.1.3. Tourism as a factor in the development of border areas

3.1.4. Tourism as a factor in the development of new development areas

3.1.5. Tourism as a factor in the development of sea and river basins

3.1.6. Tourism as a factor of economic integration and globalization

3.2. International tourism as a factor in improving the sectoral structure of the economy

3.3. International tourism and problems of environmental management


Tests Answers to tests

Brief terminological dictionary Bibliography Appendices Table of contents


IN In recent years, the importance of tourism in the life of modern society has been increasingly increasing. This is facilitated by rising incomes of the population, an increase in the amount of free time, the increasing openness of regions and other factors.

Tourism as a leisure activity has existed for many centuries. Since time immemorial, simple human curiosity has attracted people to travel without any specific purpose. Today, tourism is actively developing, people began to travel meaningfully

For educational, religious, health purposes. Cultural tourism has become an effective means of mass demand and wide availability of cultural and recreational values. Increasing living standards and expanding opportunities for free movement around the world have contributed to the emergence of millions of new travelers. Tourism has begun to play such a role in the life of society that it has turned into a unique large-scale global industry, and tourism resources are becoming the most important part of the national wealth of many countries.

IN Currently, tourism can also be considered as one of the factors providing a solution to the most important socio-economic problem of improving the quality of life of the population. As is known, quality of life is the satisfaction of the vital needs of people in health care, education, labor, recreation, cultural development, family well-being, favorable social well-being , healthy environment. The problem of improving the quality of life of the population is now receiving special attention. It is no coincidence that in an open letter to Russian voters, V.V. Putin noted: “The main feature of the new century will not be a battle of ideologies, but intense competition for the quality of life, national wealth and progress.” An important component in ensuring decent living conditions is rest1, which helps restore a person’s life potential. And here tourism acts as one of the ways to organize recreation. Travel and tourism has become one of the most significant industries in the world today. “All countries know about the profitability of international tourism. Every year for the next few years about 600-700 million people, annual tourist spending will be about one trillion dollars. Big money means tourism has become big business. In fact, it is so important to the economies of many countries that there is fierce competition between them. The UK also wants to attract tourists from Australia, as do the US and Canada. “If a potential tourist can visit only one country next year, as is usual

happens, where will this tourist go and how will he solve the problem of choosing a route?” Given the fact that travel and tourism are becoming

recently one of the most significant industries in the world, in every country, including

Russia requires well-trained specialists in this field who would successfully ensure the development of such an industry.

The increasing importance of tourism contributes to the growth of entrepreneurial activity in this area, and therefore this factor has necessitated the training of entrepreneurial specialists. Training courses in tourism disciplines are taught in many higher educational institutions. The need to prepare this textbook is due, in the author’s opinion, to the fact that many issues in the field of international tourism (IT) are insufficiently covered in the literature or not covered at all.

The peculiarity of the proposed textbook and its novelty lie in the fact that an attempt is made to take a comprehensive approach to the analysis of activities in the field of tourism, as well as to focus on issues of economics, organization of tourism and tourism regional studies. According to the author, the regional studies direction in the field of tourism is still a weak link in the education system. At the same time, deep knowledge of the specifics of individual regions, countries, and tourist centers will help to correctly orient the tourist and offer him the right route in accordance with his needs. Tourism regional studies should present knowledge about the country in the required plane in the systems “travel company manager - tourist” and “tour guide - tourist”. In order to introduce regional knowledge into the tourism education system, certain methodological techniques are necessary. Therefore, another feature of the textbook is the presence of tests in it that allow you to consolidate the acquired knowledge in the field of tourism.

The novelty of the textbook also lies in the fact that international tourism is considered in the context of the sectoral structure of the economy. The author made an attempt to analyze the positive impact that international tourism can have on socio-economic and regional development. This is especially important for the Russian economy, which largely depends on the extraction and export of mineral resources, and diversification of the sectoral structure of the economy is a priority. Numerous examples in the textbook show how the same natural resources, without causing damage to the environment, can be rationally used with the help of such a popular economic sector in the world today as international tourism. Much attention is paid to practical

issues related to the organization of tourist accommodation facilities, insurance, and transportation.

The manual uses materials from well-known experts on tourism issues, in particular N. Mironenko, V. Kvartalnov, E. Ilyina and others. The author also reflected his personal perception of the described countries and destinations of international tourism, formed in the process of professional activity and foreign trips.

The textbook consists of three chapters, which reveal the basic theoretical concepts, without knowledge of which it is difficult to form an idea of ​​modern tourism, and also discusses a number of issues of practical importance; describes the tourism resources of the countries that are most popular in terms of international tourism demand; the influence of tourism on the socio-economic development of individual regions and countries is analyzed.

“V.Yu. Voskresensky INTERNATIONAL TOURISM Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Center “Professional textbook” as a teaching aid for university students studying in...”

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V.Yu. Voskresensky



Professional textbook" as

textbook for university students,

students in specialties 230500

“Socio-cultural service and tourism”, 2500

"Geography", 061100 "Management"

organizations", "Economics and management in

enterprise (by industry)"


Candidate of Geographical Sciences I.M. Kuzina (leading researcher at the Department of Social and Economic Geography of Foreign Countries, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov);

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu B. Bashin (Head of the Department of Social Management and Tourism, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering). Editor-in-chief of the publishing house, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences N.D. Eriashvili Voskresensky, Vladimir Yurievich. B76 International tourism: textbook. manual for university students studying in specialties 230500 “Sociocultural service and tourism”, 012500 “Geography”, 061100 “Organization management”, 060800 “Economics and management in an enterprise (by industry)”

/ V.Yu. Voskresensky. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006. - 255 p.

ISBN 5-238-00975-5 Agency CIP RSL UDC 338.48(100)(075.8) BBK 75.81(0)я73-1 B The manual contains information about the theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism, the geography of international tourism demand and the recreational potential of countries. Tourism is also considered as a factor in the socio-economic growth of individual regions and the country as a whole. The geography of the world's tourism resources is given, and characteristics of the countries most frequently visited by tourists, as well as countries that are still poorly explored by travelers, are given.

For university students studying the academic discipline “International Tourism”, as well as managers of travel companies and a wide range of readers.


Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism

1.1. Introduction to international tourism 1.1.1. International tourism (definition and research methods) 1.1.2. Connection of the course “International Tourism” with other scientific disciplines 1.1.3. Classification of types of tourism activities 1.1.4. Prospects for the development of international tourism 1.1.5. Modern factors in the development of international tourism

1.2. Specifics and composition of the tourism industry 1.2.1. The concept of the tourism industry, its role and place in the global economy 1.2.2. Structure of the tourism industry

1.3. History of tourism

1.4. Social and psychological factors in tourism 1.4.1. Social and psychological aspects of tourism development 1.4.2. The concept of tourist motivation; typology of tourists

1.5. Economics and organization of international tourism 1.5.1. Basic economic laws and categories in tourism 1.5.2. Analysis of the macroeconomic factor of tourism activity 1.5.3. Disclosure of the main financial and economic indicators of the travel agency’s activities and features of organizing a tour 1.5.4. Tourism and regional economy

1.6. Insurance in international tourism

1.7. Legal support of tourism activities.

1.7.1. Legal regulation of tourism activities 1.7.2. Basic rules and formalities of international travel

1.8. Organization of accommodation facilities

1.9. Transport support for international tourism

1.10. Theoretical foundations of tourist regional studies 1.10.1. The place of tourist regional studies in the system of sciences 1.10.2. Plan of regional characteristics of the recreational potential of the territorial complex Chapter 2. Geography of tourism resources of the world

2.1. Tourist resources of foreign Europe 2.1.1. Scandinavian countries 2.1.2. Mediterranean European resort center 2.1.3. Western European countries 2.1.4. Alpine countries of Europe 2.1.5. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe

2.2. Tourism resources of America 2.2.1. North and Central America 2.2.2. Island states and territories of the Caribbean 2.2.3. South America

2.3. African tourism resources 2.3.1. North Africa 2.3.2. South-East and Southern Africa 2.3.3. West Africa

2.4. Tourist resources of Asia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR) 2.4.1. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Asia 2.4.2. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Australia and Oceania

2.5. Tourist resources of Russia and neighboring countries 2.5.1. Characteristics of the main tourist and resort areas in Russia 2.5.2. Modern features of tourism development in Russia 2.5.3. Features of tourism development in neighboring countries and the Kaliningrad region Chapter 3. International tourism as a sector of sustainable development

3.1. International tourism as a factor in regional development 3.1.1. Tourism as a factor in the development of backward and depressed areas 3.1.2. Tourism as a factor in rural development 3.1.3. Tourism as a factor in the development of border areas 3.1.4. Tourism as a factor in the development of new development areas 3.1.5. Tourism as a factor in the development of sea and river basins 3.1.6. Tourism as a factor of economic integration and globalization

3.2. International tourism as a factor in improving the sectoral structure of the economy

3.3. International tourism and problems of rational environmental management Conclusion Tests Answers to tests Brief terminological dictionary Bibliographic list Appendices Table of contents Introduction In recent years, the importance of tourism in the life of modern society has been increasingly increasing. This is facilitated by rising incomes of the population, an increase in the amount of free time, the increasing openness of regions and other factors.

Tourism as a leisure activity has existed for many centuries. Since time immemorial, simple human curiosity has attracted people to travel without any specific purpose. Today, tourism is actively developing, people began to travel meaningfully - for educational, religious, health purposes. Cultural tourism has become an effective means of mass demand and wide availability of cultural and recreational values. Increasing living standards and expanding opportunities for free movement around the world have contributed to the emergence of millions of new travelers. Tourism has begun to play such a role in the life of society that it has turned into a unique large-scale global industry, and tourism resources are becoming the most important part of the national wealth of many countries.

Currently, tourism can also be considered as one of the factors providing a solution to the most important socio-economic problem of improving the quality of life of the population. As is known, quality of life is the satisfaction of the vital needs of people in health care, education, labor, recreation, cultural development, family well-being, favorable social well-being, healthy environment. The problem of improving the quality of life of the population is now receiving special attention. It is no coincidence that in an open letter to Russian voters, V.V. Putin noted: “The main feature of the new century will not be a battle of ideologies, but intense competition for the quality of life, national wealth and progress.”

An important component in ensuring decent living conditions is rest1, which helps restore a person’s life potential. And here tourism acts as one of the ways to organize recreation. Travel and tourism has become one of the most significant industries in the world today. “All countries know about the profitability of international tourism. About 600-700 million people will travel annually over the next few years, and annual tourist spending will amount to about one trillion dollars. Big money means tourism has become big business. In fact, it is so important to the economies of many countries that there is fierce competition between them. The UK also wants to attract tourists from Australia, as do the US and Canada. “If a potential tourist can visit only one country next year, as is usually the case, then where will this tourist go and how will he solve the problem of choosing a route?” Considering the fact that travel and tourism have recently become one of the most significant industries in the world, every country, including Russia, requires well-trained specialists in this field who would successfully ensure the development of such an industry.

The increasing importance of tourism contributes to the growth of entrepreneurial activity in this area, and therefore this factor has necessitated the training of entrepreneurial specialists. Training courses in tourism disciplines are taught in many higher educational institutions.

The need to prepare this textbook is due, in the author’s opinion, to the fact that many issues in the field of international tourism (IT) are insufficiently covered in the literature or not covered at all.

The peculiarity of the proposed textbook and its novelty lie in the fact that an attempt is made to take a comprehensive approach to the analysis of activities in the field of tourism, as well as to focus on issues of economics, organization of tourism and tourism regional studies. According to the author, the regional studies direction in the field of tourism is still a weak link in the education system.

At the same time, deep knowledge of the specifics of individual regions, countries, and tourist centers will help to correctly orient the tourist and offer him the right route in accordance with his needs. Tourism regional studies should present knowledge about the country in the required plane in the systems “travel company manager - tourist” and “tour guide - tourist”. In order to introduce regional knowledge into the tourism education system, certain methodological techniques are necessary. Therefore, another feature of the textbook is the presence of tests in it that allow you to consolidate the acquired knowledge in the field of tourism.

The novelty of the textbook also lies in the fact that international tourism is considered in the context of the sectoral structure of the economy. The author made an attempt to analyze the positive impact that international tourism can have on socio-economic and regional development. This is especially important for the Russian economy, which largely depends on the extraction and export of mineral resources, and diversification of the sectoral structure of the economy is a priority. Numerous examples in the textbook show how the same natural resources, without causing damage to the environment, can be rationally used with the help of such a popular economic sector in the world today as international tourism. Much attention is paid to practical issues related to the organization of tourist accommodation facilities, insurance, and transportation.

The manual uses materials from well-known experts on tourism issues, in particular, N. Mironenko, V. Kvartalnov, E.

The textbook consists of three chapters, which reveal the basic theoretical concepts, without knowledge of which it is difficult to form an idea of ​​modern tourism, and also discusses a number of issues of practical importance;

describes the tourism resources of the countries that are most popular in terms of international tourism demand; the influence of tourism on the socio-economic development of individual regions and countries is analyzed.

The author expresses gratitude for the help in preparing the manual for publication to V.I. Chainov Chapter 1. Theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism This chapter provides a definition of international tourism (IT) and reveals the complex nature of tourism activities.

1.1. Introduction to international tourism International tourism (definition and research methods).

Connection of the course “International Tourism” with other scientific disciplines.

Classification of types of tourism activities.

Prospects for the development of international tourism.

Modern factors in the development of international tourism.

1.1.1. International tourism (definition and research methods) Today, tourism activities are given different definitions.

Thus, the concept of “tourism” can mean the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or locality located within their country, in their free time for the purpose of pleasure and recreation, as well as for health, guest, educational or professional purposes, but without engaging in paid work in the place visited. At the same time, tourism is also seen as the most important means of satisfying the human need for diversity.

Thus, the following components of the concept of “tourism” can serve as the subject of study of the course:

1. Displacement or migration.

2. Motivation (goal) of movement.

3. Regional features that attract tourists.

4. Economic factors related to the availability of funds to organize a trip, as well as the influence of tourism on economic development at the macro and micro levels.

MT courses can use both general scientific and applied research methods. The method of scientific abstraction is expressed in generalizing facts and identifying patterns.

The historical method is a characteristic of the history of the country. Statistical methods make it possible to quantify tourist flows. Social and psychological methods are associated with identifying travel motivation and social differentiation of tourists. Geographical methods are aimed at assessing the territorial differentiation of places of residence and analyzing the natural and climatic potential of the area. Economic methods show how, in conditions of limited resources, to satisfy needs as much as possible, and also allow one to evaluate the economic effect of this type of activity. The goal of MT courses is to prepare competent specialists who will be able to most effectively sell tourism products.

1.1.2. Connection of the course “International Tourism” with other scientific disciplines The methodological apparatus used in courses on the study of tourism suggests its connection with other scientific disciplines. Thus, the connection of MT with the history of a particular country is due to the presence of the heritage left by human activity in various historical eras and which is a subject of interest to tourists.

No less important is the connection between MT and geography. Differences in natural and climatic features and territorial structure of the economy are a powerful incentive for international tourist migration.

Knowledge of physical and geographical patterns will allow you to get an idea of ​​the areas and territories where natural disasters are most likely, which can occur as a result of earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, avalanches, etc. This is important to ensure safe international travel. In this regard, it is advisable to become familiar with the basics of such sciences as geomorphology (the science of terrain), oceanology (the science of the world's oceans), glaciology (the science of glaciers), meteorology (the science of long-term weather patterns), and seismology (the science of earthquakes). Social differentiation of the population according to age, gender, nationality and other characteristics, the formation of motivation to travel, predetermined the connection between tourism and sociology and psychology.

6 For tourism, as for many other types of activities, such categories as demand, supply, profit, profitability are relevant. This circumstance determined the connection between MT and the economy. The connection with statistics is explained by the need to classify various types of tourism activities and analyze tourist flows.

The complexity and diversity of tourism activities have led to the emergence of a new term - “tourism”. Tourism is understood as a system of applied sciences about tourism and tourism services to citizens. These sciences cover two levels of tourism:

industry and tourism economic entity (tourist company).

1.1.3. Classification of types of tourism activities International tourism is an ambiguous concept. Various approaches to the classification of types of tourism activities can be found, for example, in the works of V. Kvartalnov, A. Alexandrova, E.

Ilyina and others. Thus, the following types of tourism are distinguished:

international and domestic. International tourism covers trips outside the country, which is associated with compliance with certain formalities (customs, currency, medical control). Domestic tourism, unlike international tourism, does not involve crossing state borders and, therefore, does not require compliance with tourist formalities.

International tourism can be inbound or outbound. Inbound tourism is travel within the country by persons not permanently residing in the country. Outbound tourism is the travel of persons permanently residing in the country, but traveling for some purpose to another country. Typically, countries are interested in developing inbound tourism, as this attracts foreign exchange resources to the country and stimulates economic activity. Firms that develop inbound tourism are called receptive (receiving) firms.

Depending on the content and goals, tourism activities can be classified as follows. Travel for the purpose of entertainment and recreation forms the basis of international tourist exchange. They account for more than half of all demand. They combine recreational, educational, amateur, and sports trips. Trips to the sea are in high demand among the population. Bathing and beach holidays are traditionally considered the best way to relieve nervous and physical fatigue.

Business tourism covers trips for business purposes without generating income at the place of business. Business tourism 7 can be divided into business trips themselves, congress and exhibition tourism and incentive tourism (incentive, encouraging), which are trips that a company rewards its employees for high performance.

Educational tourism - trips to obtain education abroad. Typically, trips to developed countries are carried out here in order to improve the language, obtain a business education, and study special disciplines. Within the framework of educational tourism, individual countries, as a rule, have their own specialization.

The United States attracts tourists with a wide range of educational opportunities that no other country can offer. One of the most tempting destinations for those wishing to receive a classical higher education, close to Russian, has always been Germany with its network of ancient universities.

Spanish schools of fine arts do not need recommendations: universities teach architecture, design, graphics, and decor at a high level. Barcelona confidently holds the palm in this area. Italian higher education is not initially focused on pragmatic professional training, therefore, when planning to study in Italy, it is better to choose humanities disciplines. A distinctive feature of French higher education is the relatively low tuition fees, the absence of any restrictions and extremely simple admission rules, which creates a situation that is extremely favorable for foreigners. In Swiss education, the main thing is quality and thoroughness. Not everyone can afford an elite Swiss education. Switzerland is a country where you can get a real European education in English, German, French and Italian in the most picturesque and tranquil corner of Europe.

Ecotourism represents trips to specially protected natural areas, virgin places, nature reserves, and game reserves for research and fishing purposes. Ecotourism involves combining active recreation with wild, harsh nature. According to V.V. Khrabovchenko, ecotourism should contain three components:

“knowledge of nature”, i.e. travel presupposes the presence of elements of nature study, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by tourists;

“preservation of ecosystems”, implying not only the appropriate behavior of the group on the route, but also the participation of tourists and travel companies in programs and activities to protect the environment;

“respect for the interests of local residents” is not only compliance with local laws and customs, but also the contribution of tourism to the socio-economic development of tourist destinations.

There are four types of ecotourism: scientific tourism; nature history tours; adventure tourism; travel to natural reserves.

In turn, the International Ecotourism Society, headquartered in Vermont (USA), defines ecotourism as “responsible travel to natural areas that preserves the environment and contributes to the sustainable well-being of local people.”

One of the types of international tourism is religious tourism. This is pilgrimage tourism and religious tourism with an excursion and educational orientation.

A type of pilgrimage tourism is spiritual pilgrimage tourism. Pilgrimage is understood as “the journey of people to worship holy places.” Spiritual pilgrimage tourism is a kind of “religious practice” in countries with advanced religious traditions. As part of religious tourism with an excursion and educational orientation, it is planned to visit religious centers in which excursion tourists will be able to see religious objects.

Based on funding sources, tourism is divided into commercial and social. Initially, all tourism activities were carried out for the purpose of making a profit (commercial tourism). If citizens are provided with guarantees for a minimum of rest by the state and enterprises, we can talk about social tourism. There are also mass and elite tourism, designed for wealthy clients.

Based on the number of participants, tourism is classified into individual (from one to five people) and group (six or more people). According to the age criterion, tourism is divided into tourism for the elderly, tourism for middle-aged people and youth tourism. Depending on the method of organizing a trip, tourism can be presented as organized (purchase of tours through a company with a subsequent range of services) and unorganized, based on the principles of amateur activity. There are also specific types of tourism, for example, extreme tourism, hitchhiking, bicycle tourism, etc.

Tourism can be classified depending on the type of transport that tourists prefer to use:

road, rail, aviation, water (cruise ships). According to WTO forecasts in the 21st century. The most promising, fast-growing type of tourism will be travel on cruise ships. At the same time, other types of tourist transport also have growth prospects. Thus, experts note that by 2010.

The length of high-speed railways in Europe will increase more than 10 times. It is likely that by this time most tourists will prefer to take a train, traveling at a speed of 300 km/h, rather than a plane.

Rail tourist routes such as Paris-Istanbul, Trans-Canada, Trans-America are popular among tourists. These routes allow you to cross the entire continent on comfortable trains. The development of railway tourism is promising for Russia, the largest country in the world by area.

1.1.4. Prospects for the development of international tourism Since 1950 The number of international tourist arrivals increased almost 28-fold to reach 698 million in 2000.

This figure is projected to double by 2020 to reach 1.6 billion people. Currently, about 80% of the world's tourism comes from Europe and the Americas, while only 15% from East Asia and the Pacific and 5% from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia combined. By 2020

East Asia and the Pacific is expected to be the second most popular international tourism destination after Europe. The development forecast made by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) identifies the most promising directions and types of tourism of the 21st century (see Table 1.1).

The most popular types of tourism by 2020 will become:

adventure, environmental, cultural and educational, thematic and cruises.

At the same time, it is possible to identify factors that hinder the development of tourism. These include a location that is too remote from the main geographical routes, in particular the islands in the South Pacific Ocean; seismic activity and natural disasters, such as the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu; civil war and economic decline in developing countries (Sierra Leone);

international terrorism.

1.1.5. Modern factors in the development of international tourism Modern factors in the development of tourism include the political (peaceful) coexistence of the population in most of the planet, the support of government bodies in most countries developing tourism, the growth of public wealth, the reduction of working hours, the development of transport, and the improvement of the level of public consciousness. Demographic factors are represented by an increase in average life expectancy, an increase in the level of urbanization, i.e. urban population growth. Currently, international tourism in post-industrial society is actually becoming the basis of a global lifestyle.

1.2. Specifics and composition of the tourism industry The concept of the tourism industry, its role and place in the global economy. Structure of the tourism industry.

1.2.1. The concept of the tourism industry, its role and place in the global economy There are several points of view regarding the composition of the tourism industry. European tourism experts divide the entire system of entrepreneurship in tourism into two parts:

tourism and hospitality industry.

The tourism industry, according to this point of view, includes the entertainment industry, tour operating, travel agencies, transport, excursion and educational organizations. The hospitality industry includes the service industry, the accommodation industry and the food industry. According to Australian hospitality specialist Lynn van der Wagen, the hospitality industry includes industries that provide accommodation, alcoholic beverages, food and entertainment.

A number of domestic authors, in particular V.A. Quarterly, the main segments of the tourism industry include the transport industry, tour operator and travel agency activities, the hotel industry, the food and entertainment industry.

In our opinion, the tourism entrepreneurship system should include:

1. The main entrepreneurial core of tourism is tour operators and travel agents as a lever that activates other factors of production in tourism.

2. Transport sector, accommodation and catering sector, entertainment sector.

L. Mastney follows approximately the same approach: “...at its core, tourism remains a private sector activity, driven mainly by international hotel complexes, travel companies and other types of business.”

The tourism business is one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy. By some estimates, international tourism is among the three largest export industries, behind the oil industry and the automobile industry. The World Travel and Tourism Council, an industry group headquartered in London, estimates economic activity in travel and tourism in 2000. at $3.6 trillion, or approximately 11% of gross world product, making it the largest industry in the global economy.

Modern tourism revenues are estimated at trillions of US dollars, which is comparable to the GNP of the “great” powers.

The contribution of the tourism industry to the structure of GNP of the countries most popular for visiting is still very modest (see Table 1.2).

Alexandrova “International Tourism” (Moscow, 2001), as well as in the publication “Countries of the World: Encyclopedic Directory” (Minsk, 1999) Austria (8%), Spain (5.8%), Switzerland have the highest income from tourism in GNP (5.2%). In terms of the pace of tourism development, China, Mexico, and the USA stand out. At the same time, in some countries, tourism income is a determining item of GNP: Bermuda - 34.7%, Seychelles - 27.4%, Antigua - 58.5%, Bahamas - 52.1%. According to statistics, in the world's 49 least developed countries, tourism ranks second only to oil as a source of foreign exchange earnings (58).

However, in our opinion, one should not overestimate the importance of the tourism and hospitality industry in the global economic system. This industry is not a producer of modern means of production that determine scientific and technological progress.

In addition, if an economy becomes too dependent on tourism, it may enter a crisis phase due to changes in tourist preferences.

Countries, as a rule, promote the development of inbound tourism, since it is associated with a significant influx of foreign currency into the country and a multiplier effect for the development of the economy and, thanks to tourism, service and transport infrastructure. In addition, tourism can become a factor in the development of backward and depressed areas, small and medium-sized historically significant cities, which is especially important for Russia.

From the point of view of geographical focus, we can distinguish countries that receive and send tourists. Among the countries sending tourists, developed countries have the strongest positions, providing their population with high standards of living:

Germany, USA, Japan, UK, France. The top five tourist exporting countries provide world tourism, according to some estimates, with more than 50% of all receipts* This is a very high concentration of capital compared to other markets and sectors of the economy. Under these conditions, we can say that it is the struggle for tourists from these countries that determines competition in the tourism market. Therefore, it is in these countries that tourism exhibitions and fairs are held.

The newly industrialized economies of South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, as well as the countries of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, are capable of supporting strong economic growth, which results in the development of a middle class - the bourgeoisie. The paid vacation time and increasing income of this class are spent, in particular, on international travel.

Thus, new tourist destinations are being formed, for example, the countries of Southeast Asia - Australia.

Reforms of social relations and the introduction of a market economy contributed to the development of outbound tourism in Russia and the CIS countries, where, after many years of the “Iron Curtain,” the opportunity arose to “quench your thirst” for international travel.

Among the countries receiving tourists are the USA, Spain, Italy, and France. The flow of tourists to developing and post-socialist countries, such as China, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, etc., is increasingly increasing. Developed countries are making large-scale investments in the tourism infrastructure of developing countries. At the same time, we should not forget that, according to the World Bank, about half of all tourism income goes from developing to developed countries.

Foreign firms dominate the tourism industry in many countries, including Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. They usually send their profits home, leaving only a small part in the host country. Thus, if previously developed countries exploited mainly the mineral resources and cheap labor resources of developing countries, now they have switched to exploiting their tourism resources.

1.2.2. Structure of the tourism industry The structure of the tourism industry can be represented as follows:

1. Entertainment industry, activities of tour operators and travel agents, transport, organization of excursion and educational events (the tourism industry itself).

2. The hospitality industry, consisting of the service industry, the accommodation industry, and the food industry.

3. Global computer networks (GCN).

Hotel enterprises are like the base of any tourism product. Accommodation is always included in the service package.

Transport is also an integral part of any trip, as it involves moving in space.

Tour operators are tourism enterprises that develop tours.

Tour operators are usually divided into proactive and receptive.

Initiative tour operators are operators who send tourists abroad. A reception tour operator is developing a program for receiving tourists within the country. A list of professional tour operators in popular destinations of the Russian outbound tourism market is given in Appendix 1. Travel agents are enterprises that sell tours developed by tour operators to the retail chain.

Tour operators are distinguished from travel agents by tour rating.

tours Global computer networks are booking and reservation systems that may in the future become an alternative (in relation to tour operators and travel agents) channel for the sale of tourism products. The use of the Internet in recent years has been an effective way of advertising tourism products. The first and one of the most important steps here is to create a travel agency website.

The most popular is the “on-line” booking system, when directly on the website a registered agent can instantly view information about the availability of seats for certain dates and quickly book a tour. One of the main types of advertising on the Internet is banner advertising. Information technologies in tourism have long been used abroad. The world's largest airlines have developed and implemented reservation systems: Amadeus, Galileo, Saber. Booking air tickets with Aeroflot

carried out through the inventory reservation system Gabriel (“Gabriel”), owned by the American corporation SITA.

The economic reforms carried out in Russia have opened up opportunities for private entrepreneurship. The state monopoly on many types of activities, including international tourism, has been lifted. In order to create a tourism enterprise in Russia, along with others, it is necessary to go through the licensing procedure. The license is issued for a period of five years after payment of the license fee and consideration of the package of documents.

Thus, to obtain a tourist license for tour operator activities, you must submit the following package of documents:

Charter of the enterprise;

Foundation agreement (if there are more than two founders);

Certificate of state registration;

Certificate of inclusion in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

Certificate of registration with the tax office;

Lease agreement or certificate of ownership;

The presence of at least seven employees on the tour operator’s staff;

The presence of the tour operator at least 30% of employees (according to the staffing table) with higher, secondary specialized or additional education in the field of tourism or work experience in tourism of at least 5 years, as well as the presence of the head of special education in the field of tourism or no work experience less than 5 years in this field;

Seal of the organization.

The main regulatory act that establishes the licensing procedure in Russia is the Federal Law of August 8, 2001. No. 128-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities.”

The licensing of tourism activities is directly regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 11, 2002.

No. 95 “On licensing of tour operator and travel agency activities.”

In order to create a travel agency, you need to go through several more organizational stages. It is required to register a legal entity, obtain a hygiene certificate, certify the “outbound tourism” service, find and equip an office, take a familiarization tour of hotels, conclude agency agreements with tour operators, and place advertisements.

What obstacles might a budding entrepreneur encounter when engaging in international tourism activities? It is worth paying attention to seasonal changes in demand. To smooth out the seasonality factor, it is advisable to develop several directions at once. In summer, for example, you can send tourists to Greece and Turkey, and in winter - to Austria and Egypt. A serious problem is finding qualified personnel. A qualified sales manager is the best advertisement for any travel agency. And his main enemy is a dissatisfied client.

1.3. History of tourism The concept of “tourism” has ancient roots and its own history.

Approaches to describing the history of tourism are ambiguous. Thus, J. Walker in the book “Introduction to Hospitality” identifies “five eras of tourism”: the pre-industrial period (before 1840); the age of railroads; the age of the automobile; the age of jet airliners; the century of sea cruises. Thus, he connects the evolution of relations in the field of tourism primarily with the development of means of transport.

A similar point of view regarding the history of tourism is expressed by the Polish researcher I. Jedrzejczyk, citing a taxonomy according to which the following phases are distinguished in the tourist movement:

Early historical phase - before 1850;

Initial phase - from 1850 to 1914;

Development phase - from 1914 to 1945;

Mass tourism phase - after 1945

The motives for moving in space in early historical times were most often factors such as trade, economic contacts, thirst for knowledge, discovery, learning, and religion. During this period, travel was the lot of the aristocracy, pilgrims and wanderers.

The initial phase of modern tourism dates back to the 19th century. It is characterized by:

Development of information infrastructure and especially the postal network;

Development of transport infrastructure and the use of new means of transport, such as railways and ships, increasing the speed of travel and reducing the cost of travel;

Increased prosperity due to industrialization and the first social gains in the field of free time, especially the ability to use vacations.

The growth phase of tourism, according to this classification, falls on the period 1914-1945. This phase is characterized by an increase in participants in the tourist movement at the expense of the middle class.

A new form of travel was developed by political movements that had a National Socialist flavor. These movements offered cheap or virtually free trips to bring groups together to develop patriotic feelings through exposure to their country. Such travel was common in Germany and Italy.

After 1945 tourism entered a new phase, which was characterized, on the one hand, by the mass of tourist trips, and on the other, by the scale and progressive diversification of tourist movements. At the same time, there is a difference between tourism in the countries of the former socialist camp, when travel mainly within the framework of social tourism was limited mainly by the borders of the countries of the socialist system, as well as tourism in countries with a market economy, where it took the form of economic activity, expanding the scope of the tertiary sector.

A different approach regarding the retrospective of tourism is taken by M.V. Sokolov in the book “History of Tourism”. The author examines the history of tourism primarily in the context of the evolution of social relations and changes in socio-economic formations. So, M.V. Sokolova highlights: travel in antiquity; travel to the Middle Ages; development of tourism in modern times; tourism in the 20th century .

There is an approach that connects the description of the history of tourism in the context of regional geographical descriptions, the knowledge of which is necessary for the service personnel of travel companies and hotels. This approach, for example, is followed by Lynn van der Wagen when characterizing the hotel business in Australia.

Some authors, in particular P. Rotow, link the economic stages of development of countries and the features of tourism development in them. Thus, for low economic stages (agriculture), domestic tourism predominantly develops, while post-industrial society is characterized by extensive tourist exchange within the framework of international travel, which takes on a global character.

In our opinion, all these approaches to the history of tourism cannot be taken as the absolute truth. Tourism is a multifaceted phenomenon and in different historical periods it was formed under the influence of a certain group of factors. Thus, if in the Middle Ages important components of tourism were spiritual factors - religiosity, the desire for education, which stimulated pilgrimage, the emergence of “knowledge walkers”, then at present other factors are at work, in particular socio-economic ones (increasing levels of well-being, availability free time), demographic (increase in life expectancy, urbanization).

Thus, the history of tourism is a long, multifaceted process that was impossible, on the one hand, without the formation of the basic elements of this industry, and on the other, without the action of a certain group of socio-economic factors at each stage of historical development.

The basic elements of tourism development include:

Great geographical discoveries, expeditions that gave ideas about modern tourism resources;

Evolution of accommodation facilities;

The evolution of means of transport.

The socio-economic factors stimulating the development of tourism were individual at each historical stage. In Ancient centuries, travel was the lot of the aristocracy, who made trips for medical, sports, and educational purposes. In the Middle Ages, religion was a powerful factor stimulating travel. Pilgrimage and travel for knowledge became an important feature of this era. Great geographical discoveries, bourgeois-democratic revolutions and the industrial revolution paved the way for the development of tourism in modern times. The era of modern tourism is usually counted from 1841, when the legendary Thomas Cook, appreciating the merits of the railway, organized a mass trip along it “for the purpose of walking,” in which 600 people took part.

1.4. Social and psychological factors in tourism Social and psychological aspects of tourism development. The concept of tourist motivation; typology of tourists.

1.4.1. Socio-psychological aspects of tourism development Tourism can be considered as a factor in improving the quality of life. In this case, tourism activity is associated not only with a direct economic effect in the form of additional income, the creation of new jobs, and infrastructure development, but also with the influence of tourism on a person’s socio-psychological state, improving his health and level of well-being.

Psychologists have noted that homogeneous and “aggressive” city fields are a particular nuisance for humans. These are bare walls made of concrete and glass, blank fences, monotonous passages and asphalt surfaces, the predominance of identical elements, for example, monotonous rows of windows on the walls of high-rise buildings.

Such elements of a monotonous urban landscape contribute to the development of stress and depression. In this regard, tourism provides the opportunity to change a person’s location and the opportunity to find him in a more comfortable, diverse environment, which has a positive effect on his socio-psychological state.

Elements of such an environment include landscape and geomorphological features of the territory (for example, the “rocky coast” in the north-east of Spain, fjords in Norway), architectural monuments (for example, houses with fancy wavy walls designed by A. Gaudi in Barcelona), cognitive potential territory (for example, the presence of theme parks in resort areas). Our rapidly rushing century leaves too little time for a person to calmly reflect on life. But sometimes there is a desire to break the circle of habitual everyday worries and - albeit not for long - but to be transported to the world of other realities." To visit where the air is filled with peace and tranquility, where wisely and majesticly, for thousands of years, the mountains have been looking at the long and difficult history of mankind, affectionately The sea surf sorts through the pebbles; kind and hospitable people call their land the land of milk and honey.

Thus, the possibility of a change of scenery, guaranteed by the mosaic diversity of countries and regions, is one of the most important advantages of tourism activities that help strengthen the body and spirit of a person.

But the modern tourist is not satisfied with just a change of scenery. Now, in addition to accommodation and food, it began to include other elements aimed at satisfying the needs for entertainment, fun leisure time, and emotional relief. Therefore, in the everyday life of tourism activities and hotel service technology, such a concept as animation has appeared - a type of activity that improves the psychological state of a tourist and improves his physical condition.

The concept of “animation” is of Latin origin and means “inspiration, spirituality, stimulation of vitality, involvement in activity.” As noted by N.I. Garin and I.I.

Bulygina, recreational animation includes leisure animation (with local residents); animated tourist routes; hotel animation (games, quizzes, etc.);

additional animation services during technological breaks.

Animators are, as a rule, young people who, as it were, convey their energy to the guests. Animators set the mood for vacationers, try to communicate with tourists, and play a key role in entertainment programs. These people are responsible for improving the socio-psychological climate among vacationers.

In addition to animators, some hotels operate a “public relations” service, whose employees solve problems that arise for vacationers. The good work of this service is the key to the confidence and stable socio-psychological state of tourists. Considering that in the tourism and hotel business one has to communicate with foreign tourists from many countries, experts note the importance of mastering socio-psychological means of communication, in particular, intercultural communications, knowledge of customs, and the characteristics of various religions.

Much attention is paid to the ability to use verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Verbal culture is characterized by the fact that basic information about the meanings of realities and intentions is conveyed through words and sentences, and context is less important. In a contextual (non-verbal) culture, it is the context and what is behind the words that have much greater meaning than the words themselves, i.e.

Great importance is attached to gestures and eye contact.

Psychological techniques play an important role in direct customer service. Thus, in the theory of hospitality, the concept of suggestive service is distinguished (suggestion means suggestion), that is, the ability of staff to persuade a client to consume a particular service. Thus, the ability of a restaurant waiter to instill in a visitor the idea of ​​ordering a particular dish or drink is a powerful means of increasing gross profit.

Suggestive service is widely used by representatives of foreign travel companies. In order to increase sales, the company uses a feedback method such as maintaining contact with the client after the end of the tour: sending tourists Christmas cards, gifts, maintaining correspondence with tourists, etc.

Psychological methods used in tourism include the psychotechnology of tourism product sales, that is, the actions of a travel agent (tour operator) based on knowledge of the socio-psychological patterns of interaction with the client, the ability to manage him in the interests of the company’s activities.

1.4.2. The concept of tourist motivation; typology of tourists Tourist motivation can be defined as the motivation to travel. But what motivates a person to travel?

The motives that guide a tourist are varied. Motives are primarily determined by the goals of the trip. The purposes of travel can be very different: recreation, leisure, entertainment, knowledge, sports, treatment, pilgrimage, business purposes, etc.

The following travel motives can be distinguished.

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V.Yu. Voskresensky INTERNATIONAL TOURISM Second edition, revised and expanded Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Center “Professional Textbook” as a textbook for university students studying in the specialties 230500 “Socio-cultural service and tourism”, 012500 “Gågîgàôèÿ”, 06110 0 “Management of companies”, 060800 “Economics and management at an enterprise (by industry)” Moscow 

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UDC 338.48-44(1-87)(075.8) BBK 65.433.8ÿ73 Â76 Reviewers: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation A.A. Adamescu (Adviser to the Chairman of the Council for the Study of Productive Forces under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences); Professor A.B. Varlashov (Rector of the Moscow Institute of International Economic Relations) Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology Voskresensky, Vladimir Yurievich. Â76 International tourism: textbook. manual for university students studying in the specialties “Sociocultural Service and Tourism”, “Geography”, “Organization Management”, “Economics and Management in an Enterprise (Physics)” / V.Þ. Voskresensky. - 2nd èçä., ïåðåðàá. and äîï. - M.: ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, - 463 s. ISBN 978-5-238-01456-2 Agency CIP RSL Discusses problems and factors in the development of international tourism, economics and organization of tourism activities. A detailed overview of the tourism and recreational resources of the countries of the world is given. Regional trends in the development of international tourism are discussed. The role and place of the tourism industry in the global economy are analyzed. Attention is paid to innovative strategies for the development of international tourism. For university students studying in the specialties “Sociocultural Service and Tourism”, “Geography” and other specialties, as well as managers of travel companies and readers interested in tourism issues. BBK 65.433.8ÿ73 ISBN 978-5-238-01456-2 © V.Þ. Voskresensky, 2006, 2008 © PUBLISHING HOUSE UÞÍNÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, 2006, 2008 The exclusive right to use and distribute the publication is owned. Reproduction of the entire book or any part thereof by any means or in any form, including on the Internet, is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher. © Design by “UÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ”, 2008

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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Chapter 1. THEORETICAL, METHODOLOGICAL AND PRACTICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM 1.1. Introduction to international tourism 1.1.1. International tourism as a phenomenon of modern life 1.1.5. Modern factors in the development of international tourism 1.2. Specifics and composition of the tourism industry 1.2.1. The concept of the tourism industry 1.2.2. Structure of the tourism industry 1.3. Historical aspects of international tourism 1.4. Social and psychological factors in international tourism 1.4.1. Social and psychological aspects of the development of international tourism 5 8 8 8 1.1.2. International tourism and other scientific disciplines 10 1.1.3. Classification of types of tourism activities 1.1.4. Prospects for the development of international tourism 11 17 18 18 18 22 25 27 27 1.4.2. Social and psychological characteristics of professional activity in the tourism industry 29 1.4.3. The concept of tourist motivation. Typology of tourists 32 1.5. International tourism: issues of economic theory and organization of activities 1.5.1. Economic laws and categories and tourism activities 1.5.2. Analysis of the macroeconomic factor of tourism activity 1.5.3. Financial and economic indicators of the activity of a travel agency and features of organizing a tour 33 33 35 35 1.5.4. International tourism and regional economics 36 1.6. Insurance in international tourism 1.7. Legal support of tourism activities. Tourist formalities 36 40 1.7.1. Legal regulation of tourism activities 40 1.7.2. Basic rules and formalities of international travel 44

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460 1.8. Organization of accommodation facilities in international tourism 1.10. Theoretical approaches to characterizing the territorial differentiation of tourism resources Chapter 2. TOURIST RESOURCES OF THE WORLD 2.1. Tourist resources of foreign Europe 2.1.1. Tourist resources of the Scandinavian countries 2.1.2. Tourist resources of the countries of the Mediterranean European resort region 2.1.3. Tourist resources of Western European countries (Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Benelux countries) 2.1.4. Tourist resources of the Alpine countries of Europe (Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein) 2.1.5. Tourist resources of Central and Eastern European countries 2.2. Tourism resources of America 2.2.1. Tourism resources of North and Central America 2.2.2. Tourist resources of island states and territories of the Caribbean 2.2.3. Tourist resources of South America 2.3. African tourism resources 2.3.1. Tourism resources of North Africa 46 1.9. Transport support for international tourism 63 72 1.10.1. The place of tourist regional studies in the system of sciences 72 1.10.2. Plan of regional characteristics of the recreational potential of the territorial complex 74 76 76 77 88 126 139 145 165 165 180 183 195 195 2.3.2. Tourism resources of South-East and Southern Africa 200 2.3.3. Tourism resources of West Africa 2.4. Tourist resources of Asia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR) 2.4.1. Tourism resources of Asia 2.4.2. Tourist resources of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania 2.5. Tourist resources of Russia and neighboring countries 210 215 216 257 265

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2.5.1. Tourist resources of Russia 2.5.2. Promising directions for the development of Russian tourism resources (using the example of hunting and health tourism) 461 265 309 2.5.3. Modern features of tourism development in Russia 317 2.5.4. Tourist resources of neighboring countries and the Kaliningrad region 320 Chapter 3. REGIONAL TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM 3.1. Features of statistics of the geographical structure of international tourism 3.2. Trends in the development of international tourism in Europe 3.3. Trends in the development of international tourism in America 3.4. Trends in the development of international tourism in Asia and Asia-Pacific countries 3.5. Trends in the development of international tourism in Africa 3.6. International tourism development forecast - economic growth statistics 3.7. International tourism and regional security problems Chapter 4. INTERNATIONAL TOURISM AND THE WORLD ECONOMY - TREND OF INDUSTRY IDENTIFICATION 4.1.1. Trends in the development of the world economy 335 335 338 340 342 345 347 348 351 4.1. International tourism as an economic category 351 351 4.1.2. Problems of the world community as a factor in the transition to the concept of sustainable development of sectors of the world economy 353 4.2. International tourism as a sector of sustainable development 4.2.1. Sustainable development of society - indicators and directions 355 355

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462 4.2.2. International tourism as a factor in regional development 4.2.3. International tourism and development of the sectoral structure of the world economy 4.2.4. International tourism as a factor in the fight against poverty 4.2.5. International tourism, problems of rational environmental management and preservation of historical and cultural heritage monuments 4.2.6. Integrated development of tourism resources - a factor in sustainable economic development 4.3. Socio-economic prerequisites for the development of the international tourism industry Chapter 5. INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM 5.1.1. Improving tourism infrastructure as an element of innovation policy 5.1.2. Diversification of types of international tourism 5.1.3. Formation of new directions of international travel 5.2. International tourism as a factor in the formation of new forms of economic activity 5.2.1. Definition and essence of agricultural tourism 5.2.2. History of origin and foreign experience in the development of agricultural tourism 5.2.3. Economic prerequisites for the formation of the agritourism market 5.2.4. Problems and prospects for the formation of the agritourism market in Russia CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST TESTS ANSWERS TO TESTS APPENDICES BRIEF DICTIONARY OF TERMS AND CONCEPTS 357 374 384 386 388 4.2.7. International tourism and health problems 389 392 396 5.1. Innovative potential of international tourism 396 396 398 398 399 399 401 406 408 414 419 424 439 447 453

Simultaneously industry tourism and hospitality is turning into one of the dynamically developing sectors of the economy of post-industrial society.<...>All of the above factors have caused a dynamic development international tourism. <...>It is no coincidence that a number of developing countries began to diversify their economies, developing industry international tourism. <...>Was chosen as an important development alternative industry international tourism. <...>At the same time, dynamic development international tourism in the Emirates has led to the temporary capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi, becoming a major international center in recent years.<...>Many researchers agree that industry tourism and hospitality in terms of the number of labor resources involved and the size of the gross profit is almost one of the leading sectors of the world economy.<...>Thus, abroad, with active government participation, they are dynamically developing agrarian and environmental tourism. <...>Recreation needs are evolving, and new ones are emerging. kinds tourism. <...>New ones appear kinds tourism when the need for recreation is satisfied in another form.<...> Development international tourism forms a certain model of a person.<...>Goals and specifics international travel in the past were different from those that are commonly considered today international tourism.<...>Having gained political independence, most developing countries actually remained economically dependent on more developed countries, which, in various forms and to their own benefit, exploit exhaustible natural, human, and, more recently, tourist resources third world countries.<...>Increased threat international terrorist attacks gave rise to a number of representative publications and institutions to compile a “black list” of countries that are not recommended to visit international tourists. <...> Hotel and restaurant chains One of the current trends<...>


UDC 338.48-44(1-87)(075.8) BBK 65.433.8-551ÿ73 Â76 Reviewers: Candidate of Technical Sciences I.V. Mareeva (Rector of the Moscow Institute of International Economic Relations); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu.B. Bashin (Head of the Department of Social Management and Tourism of the Russian State Social University) Editor-in-Chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology Voskresensky, Vladimir Yurievich. Â76 International tourism. Innovative development strategies: textbook. a manual for university students studying in specialty 230500 “Socio-cultural service and social life” and direction 020400 “Gagology” / V.Þ. Voskresensky. - M.: ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, - 159 s. 2015. ISBN 978-5-238-01275-9 Agency CIP RSL All over the world, interest in international tourism is growing as one of the ways to satisfy the needs of modern people for various types of recreation. At the same time, the tourism and hospitality industry is turning into one of the dynamically developing sectors of the economy of post-industrial society. The textbook analyzes current trends in the development of international tourism, characterizes its modern types, and describes the popular new geographical routes of international guidebooks. For university students studying the academic discipline “International Tourism”, as well as managers of travel companies and a wide range of readers. BBK 65.433.8-551ÿ73 ISBN 978-5-238-01275-9 © UÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2007 Reproduction of the entire book or any part thereof by any means or in any form, including on the Internet, is prohibited without written permission publisher's permission. © Design by “UÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ”, 2007

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Contents Introduction 3 Chapter 1. INTERNATIONAL TOURISM AND MODERN TRENDS IN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1.1. Paths of evolution of the world community and features of the development of international tourism 1.2. Regional trends in the development of international tourism 1.3. Formation of new directions of international travel and features of the geography of tourism resources of individual foreign countries 1.4. Economic prerequisites for the genesis of innovations in international tourism 1.5. Improving tourism infrastructure as an element of innovation policy Chapter 2. DIVERSIFICATION OF TYPES OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM 2.1. Modern approaches to the development of cultural tourism 2.2. Extreme tourism and adventure tours 2.3. Exotic types of tourism 2.4. Cruises 2.5. Event tourism, incentive trips 2.6. Camping tourism 2.7. Timeshare club recreation system 2.8. Agricultural tourism Chapter 3. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AS A FACTOR IN THE FORMATION OF NEW FORMS OF ECONOMIC RELATIONS (using the example of agricultural tourism) 3.1. Organizational and economic prerequisites for the formation of the agritourism market 3.2. Socio-economic problems of the agricultural sector and the need to create a new image of the Russian village 159 7 7 21 30 45 47 55 55 64 75 81 94 95 101 103 114 114 118

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3.3. Historical experience of agricultural reform as a prerequisite for the introduction of new forms of farming in rural areas 3.4. The role of the regulatory framework in the development of agritourism 3.5. Agricultural tourism as a catalyst for the economic growth of the Russian village Chapter 4. INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM AND PROBLEMS OF RATIONAL USE OF NATURE 4.1. Features of modern environmental management and tourism development 4.2. Development of tourism and problems of environmental protection 120 122 123 128 128 133 Conclusion 139 Appendices 142 Tests and assignments Answers to tests and assignments Brief terminological dictionary Bibliography 150 155 157 158 160

M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006. - 255 p.

The manual contains information about the theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism, the geography of international tourism demand and the recreational potential of countries. Tourism is also considered as a factor in the socio-economic growth of individual regions and the country as a whole. The geography of the world's tourism resources is given, and characteristics of the countries most frequently visited by tourists, as well as countries that are still poorly explored by travelers, are given.

For university students studying the academic discipline “International Tourism”, as well as managers of travel companies and a wide range of readers.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism
1.1. Introduction to International Tourism
1.1.1. International tourism (definition and research methods)
1.1.2. Connection of the course “International Tourism” with other scientific disciplines
1.1.3. Classification of types of tourism activities
1.1.4. Prospects for the development of international tourism
1.1.5. Modern factors in the development of international tourism
1.2. Specifics and composition of the tourism industry
1.2.1. The concept of the tourism industry, its role and place in the global economy
1.2.2. Structure of the tourism industry
1.3. History of tourism
1.4. Social and psychological factors in tourism
1.4.1. Social and psychological aspects of tourism development
1.4.2. The concept of tourist motivation; typology of tourists
1.5. Economics and organization of international tourism
1.5.1. Basic economic laws and categories in tourism
1.5.2. Analysis of the macroeconomic factor of tourism activity
1.5.3. Disclosure of the main financial and economic indicators of the activity of a travel agency and features of organizing a tour
1.5.4. Tourism and regional economy
1.6. Insurance in international tourism
1.7. Legal support of tourism activities
1.7.1. Legal regulation of tourism activities
1.7.2. Basic rules and formalities of international travel
1.8. Organization of accommodation facilities
1.9. Transport support for international tourism
1.10. Theoretical foundations of tourist regional studies
1.10.1. The place of tourist regional studies in the system of sciences
1.10.2. Plan for regional characteristics of the recreational potential of the territorial complex

Chapter 2. Geography of the world's tourism resources
2.1. Tourist resources of foreign Europe
2.1.1. Scandinavian countries
2.1.2. Mediterranean European resort hotbed
2.1.3. Western European countries
2.1.4. Alpine countries of Europe
2.1.5. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
2.2. Tourism Resources of America
2.2.1. North and Central America
2.2.2. Island states and territories of the Caribbean
2.2.3. South America
2.3. Africa Tourism Resources
2.3.1. North Africa
2.3.2. South East and Southern Africa
2.3.3. West Africa
2.4. Tourism resources of Asia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR)
2.4.1. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Asia
2.4.2. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Australia and Oceania
2.5. Tourist resources of Russia and neighboring countries
2.5.1. Characteristics of the main tourist and resort areas in Russia
2.5.2. Modern features of tourism development in Russia
2.5.3. Features of tourism development in neighboring countries and the Kaliningrad region

Chapter 3. International tourism as an industry of sustainable development

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