International Chocolate Day July 11th. When and how is Chocolate Day celebrated? Chocolate culture of countries

Those with a sweet tooth probably know about Chocolate Day, which is celebrated every year at the height of summer - July 11th. The idea of ​​the celebration belongs to the French: they are big fans of gourmet delicacies. Since 1995, the holiday has been considered a national holiday, but over time, other countries have adopted a similar tradition.

Due to the huge popularity of such an event, World Chocolate Day began to be celebrated four times a year: September 2 and 13, June 9 and traditionally July 11. The Americans, who gave the holiday the name World Chocolate Day, dedicated 2 more days to their favorite delicacy: October 28 and July 7. So the sweet tooth has a reason to taste chocolate and participate in entertaining contests and festivals as many as 6 times a year.

How did chocolate come about?

The history of chocolate begins in 1000 BC, when the natives of Latin America (the Olmec tribe) first drew attention to the fruits of the chocolate tree. It is believed that chocolate is a derivative of xocolātl. Among the ancient natives, this word meant "bitter water." The fact is that the delicacy was originally used only in liquid form, with the addition of hot peppers and sweet corn grains. Cocoa was mixed with these unusual ingredients, churned in water until frothy, and only drunk when the drink began to ferment. It is noteworthy that only leaders were allowed to use it. Women, children and commoners were not allowed to touch the divine nectar. The same traditions were among the Mayan tribe and the Aztecs. They even worshiped a cocoa god named Ek-Chuah.

The Mayan God of Cacao Ek Chuah

The first European to taste the overseas delicacy was the navigator Columbus. Unfortunately, he could not appreciate the cold and spicy drink, so he gave the grains to the American Indians. The fruits of the chocolate tree came to Spain in the 16th century thanks to Cortes, the conquistador who conquered Mexico. Having defeated the Aztecs, he became the owner of unique cocoa plantations and established supplies throughout Europe. The Spanish monks and hidalgos who made the dessert changed the recipe by removing pepper and spices and adding sugar. Thanks to this, the drink became sweet and pleasant in taste, moreover, it was served hot.

In the Middle Ages, dessert was literally worth its weight in gold due to high taxes and production difficulties. In France, they got acquainted with the delicacy thanks to the wife of Louis, Anna of Austria. The British and Germans immediately picked up the fashion trend. Chocolate became an exquisite dessert for nobles and high-ranking persons, and chocolate houses soon filled all the streets of Paris and London.

In 1847, the British confectioner Fry made a revolutionary discovery: he added cocoa butter to the dessert, which caused the chocolate to freeze and harden. This is how the first slab chocolate appeared. From the middle of the 19th century, the largest factories in the world began to produce a new confectionery product: the English Cadbury (famous for Wispa and Picnic bars), the Swiss Nestle (which was originally focused on the production of artificial milk formulas for babies), the Russian Einem (which was later renamed " Red October"). Today, there are a huge number of both large companies and individual manufacturers of hand made products. World Chocolate Day has become a testament to the popularity of this confectionery all over the world and among all peoples and generations.

Features of the celebration

World Chocolate Day is celebrated on all continents and in almost all countries: Russia, USA, France, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Switzerland, etc. On this day, funny and exciting contests for eating sweets are organized, a unique body art is created by applying chocolate to body, baths from a chocolate drink are taken, thematic fairs and exhibitions open.

Those who are lucky enough to visit Switzerland on July 11 are advised to take a ride on the "chocolate train". During the trip, the guide tells the amazing story of the origin and development of the dessert.

Belgium is famous for its unique chocolate museum, and the Germans created "Chocolateland" - a paradise for the sweet tooth. Tourists are invited to visit interesting shows and participate in master classes and tastings.

Russian confectioners also do not lag behind their foreign counterparts. In 2009, the first chocolate monument in Russia called "The Bronze Fairy" was opened in Pokrov. A statue 3 meters high is installed next to the chocolate museum. On the day of the celebration, tourists and visitors will enjoy an exciting show program and many interesting competitions.

The chocolate holiday is a great occasion to congratulate relatives and friends who are involved in the creation of their favorite delicacy: they work in confectionery factories or design wrappers. It is not necessary to go to Pokrov or to Europe, you can organize leisure activities on your own in the family circle. Adults can be pampered with chocolate fondue with liquor, and children with bars, cakes, ice cream or fruit salads. As a musical arrangement, songs of domestic performers on a given topic will be appropriate: "Chocolate Bunny" by Pierre Narcisse, "Coffee and Chocolate" by Inna Malikova, "Mulatto Chocolate" by Dima Bilan. A creative and creative approach will create a festive atmosphere and introduce a new family tradition of celebrating the day of your favorite treat.

Did you know?

Chocolate is not only delicious, but also a very healthy dessert. With moderate use, it stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes the work of the heart and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Just one slice improves mood and helps fight depression.

The most useful is dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans (over 70%). It improves vision, memory, reaction speed, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, cancer, and strengthens the immune system. Scientists have proven that people who consume a cocoa product, if not every day, then quite regularly, the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced by 37%.
Chocolate is also a great aphrodisiac because it boosts libido. The sensation of melting in the mouth plunges a person into a prolonged state of euphoria, which is comparable to a kiss. Through the regular use of this confection, women experience more satisfaction and attraction, which significantly improves the quality of their sex life.

Chocolate in numbers

  • The life expectancy of chocolate trees is 200 years, of which only 25 they bear fruit.
  • There are 300 varieties of cocoa beans and 400 different flavors in the world.
  • The Swiss are champions in eating sweets. Each of them, according to statistics, annually eats 11.8 kg of chocolate.
  • made by the British. Its weight is 5.8 tons.

World Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 11 every year. The sweet tooth of Europe and America devote the whole day to the most beloved and popular delicacy, arrange parties, go to thematic exhibitions and fairs. Chocolate is a delicacy that is not only tasty, but also healthy when used in moderation. It has a high calorie content, but on a holiday you can relax and allow yourself to eat a little more portion.

History of chocolate

Even 3 thousand years ago, the Aztecs and Mayans, who inhabited South America, prepared a tart drink from roasted cocoa beans, which they called “bitter water”. Hot pepper was added to it, shaken until a dense foam was formed. The Indians considered their drink healing, divine.

The Spanish conquerors, who arrived on the continent in 1519, began to sweeten the drink with cane sugar. The recipe was liked not only by the conquistadors, but also by the Spanish nobility.

The Spaniards kept the recipe in the strictest confidence, for its disclosure they threatened to cut off their heads. But a century later, crafty merchants found out the secret, so the "royal" drink became known in France, Italy, and then in other countries.

Fashion for the use of hot chocolate was introduced by Anna of Austria - the wife of the French King Louis III. The queen's lady-in-waiting prepared the drink wonderfully, taught this to the court cooks. With the light hand of the king's wife, the chocolate holiday began to be celebrated on July 11.

In Europe, the drink was considered healing. The chef of Louis XVI prepared a dessert using flower petals, essential oils, and medicinal plants. European confectioners enthusiastically came up with original recipes to please the aristocracy.

In the 18th century, English confectioners thought of diluting it with milk, and the new recipe quickly gained popularity. And Belgian pharmacists used the drink exclusively as a medicine.

After the discovery of a method for producing butter from cocoa beans, the British managed to turn a liquid dessert into a solid form.

The production of solid milk chocolate was first started by the Swiss in 1875. In 1930, the first white chocolate went on sale. But the dessert remained affordable only for the nobility and the rich until production was established on an industrial scale.

July 11, 1995 - the day when the holiday began to be celebrated all over the world, gained official status. The French could not even think that their holiday would acquire international significance. However, the sweet tooth of all countries willingly supported the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcelebration.

Chocolate culture of countries

On Chocolate Day, enterprises producing confectionery products open their doors to everyone, organize excursions, conduct master classes for children and adults. Chocolate museums around the world hold fairs and celebrations.

They learned how to produce a first-class product in different countries, but there are states where they create the most exquisite product, and the chocolatier's skill is considered impeccable. Top Producers:

  • Belgium. In this small country, chocolate is a national treasure. There are a lot of chocolate shops, chocolatiers, museums here. In terms of annual production of chocolate bars, the country leads the world. Belgian chocolatiers are called the creators of pralines and dessert dark chocolates.
  • Switzerland. This small country is famous not only for reliable banks, elite cheese, accurate watches, but also for first-class milk chocolate, the tastiest one in the world. In a year, a Swiss consumes an average of 10 kg of goodies, which is significant by European standards. Chocolate production has been established in almost every major settlement. Moreover, tourists are advised to take a train to the station of the town of Gruyeres in order to observe the production process at a local factory.
  • France. Tourists visiting France are offered to master the skills of a chocolatier. To do this, you need to visit the world-famous School of Chocolatier, located in Lyon. Its graduates are famous masters working in the best restaurants and pastry shops in the world.

Entertaining in Russia. Empress Catherine II was the first to try this wonderful drink. It was presented to her by the Venezuelan ambassador Francisco de Miranda. In the 19th century, the French and Germans opened the first confectionery factories in Russia.

One of the first and most famous Russian manufacturers is Alexei Abrikosov, whose name is included in the history of confectionery art. At his factory, they began to produce Cancer Necks and Houndstooth sweets, beloved by many. After the revolution, Abrikosov's production was called the Babaevskaya Chocolate Factory.

In 1965, it began to be produced on an industrial scale, and from a treat for the rich, it turned into a folk product. The first available chocolate in Russia was Alenka, which is still sold to this day.

How Chocolate Day is celebrated in different countries

Chocolate Day is celebrated on all continents in almost all civilized countries. Each country has its own events: competitions, fun performances, excursions to museums and confectionery production, holding exhibitions and fairs, taking chocolate baths, beauty.

Congratulations on this day are accepted:

  • all sweet tooth;
  • confectioners and chocolatiers;
  • confectionery workers.

How is the world sweet holiday celebrated in different countries:

  1. In Germany, 45 km from the famous resort of Baden-Baden, a European park has been created. A large area in it is reserved for the country of Chocolate. Here, on a festive day, a festival is held, which is popular with European tourists. Amusements work, thematic exhibitions open.
  2. In Switzerland, a special railway route opens for one day. "Chocolate" train runs across the country from one confectionery factory to another. The guide tells tourists about the history of Swiss chocolate; at the end of the trip, adults are offered to taste chocolate with cognac, and children are offered a milk chocolate drink.
  3. For Americans, the celebration of International Chocolate Day is noisy and fun. Relatives and friends are invited to organized parties with chocolate treats. And in America, you can celebrate the holiday not only on July 11th. October 28 in the USA is National Chocolate Day, January 10 is Bitter Chocolate Day, February 28 is Chocolate Soufflé Day, May 2 is Mousse, June 22 is Eclairs, and October 18 is Cupcakes. Interestingly, Americans buy most chocolate not on these dates, but on St. Valentine's Day.
  4. Holiday bonfires are lit in Iceland.
  5. In China, Japan and other Asian countries, chocolate products are produced according to special recipes. It is not as sweet as European, contains original ingredients. So, the Japanese create sweets with algae, sakura flowers, rice. At the Asian Chocolate Day, everyone can try sweets and other chocolate desserts of the most bizarre colors: blue, pink, green, orange.


Chocolate is a product with a rich history. It is no wonder that many interesting events and facts are associated with it. It is simply impossible to list everything, but it is worth noting the most unusual and amazing:

  1. The fillings and ingredients for chocolate products are strange, they give a specific, but wonderful taste. But the Chicago chocolatiers have created the most innovative chocolate. If you want to try a delicacy with mushrooms, bacon and hot chili peppers, head to Chicago. And in Ukraine they produce chocolates with lard.
  2. In 2008, at the annual culinary festival in Italy, they made a chocolate Big Ben that weighed 8 tons.
  3. In 2011, the Chicago confectioners became famous again - they put the largest chocolate bar on display to the public. Its weight is more than 5 tons, length - 6.5 m, height - 0.9 m.
  4. The British also did their best - they prepared a chocolate bar weighing almost 6 tons.
  5. Almost all languages ​​of the world have an expression similar to the Russian "everything is in chocolate." And always its meaning is "everything is fine."
  6. The properties of cocoa powder as an aphrodisiac were known even by the ancient South American Indians. The product contains phenamine - a psychotropic compound, under the influence of which the brain gives a signal about the appearance of a feeling of love, high spirits. It is no wonder that young girls are so fond of delicacy.
  7. Professional chocolatiers are able to distinguish up to 400 varieties of cocoa by aroma.
  8. The amount spent by humanity on the purchase of chocolate for the year is 20 billion dollars. Every year, consumers around the world eat more than 600 thousand tons of various chocolate products.
  9. The manufacturer of the most expensive chocolate products is the American company Fritz Knipschildt. For half a kilo of truffles covered in gourmet chocolate, the manufacturer asks for $2,600. The dessert is prepared by hand, using the most expensive French-made Valhrona Ganache chocolate. The recipe is kept in the strictest confidence.
  10. There are chocolate museums in many countries. There are three of them in Russia - in Pokrov, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

A chocolate holiday is a wonderful occasion to get together with a friendly or family company, cook delicious treats: cakes, sweets, mousses, ice cream. If someone close to you works at a confectionery factory, then you should congratulate him. If you wish, you can go to the city of Pokrov, visit the local museum. Or you can just have fun at home, enjoy plenty of chocolate goodies.

World Chocolate Day is rightfully considered the most delicious and sweet holiday. Millions of sweet teeth are looking forward to attending fairs and festivals, master classes in its production, of course, followed by tasting. But this is in big cities. Residents of small settlements on this day simply buy a bar of chocolate to enjoy this amazing delicacy.

Chocolate was first celebrated in France in 1995. Why this happened on July 11 remains a mystery. But the chocolate festival took place to the great joy of the sweet tooth - with a huge crowd of people. In 1996, almost all of Europe and the USA joined this celebration. Americans liked this idea so much that they celebrate two more national holidays dedicated to chocolate - October 28 and July 7.

In Russia, there were also many admirers of this delicious delicacy. In addition, in our country there are three large chocolate museums - in both capitals and in Pokrov, where they even erected a monument to a sweet bar. In these cities, chocolate day is celebrated especially widely and cheerfully. Fairs are organized where thousands of people can taste rare and unusual varieties.

By the way, the average Russian eats about 5 kilograms of chocolate per year!

Say a lot? Not at all. In the United States, the annual "norm" has exceeded 13 kilograms, and every resident of Switzerland indulges himself with 20 kilograms of chocolate a year.

We owe the emergence of this amazing delicacy to the Maya Indians and the Aztecs. They firmly believed that chocolate is a gift from the gods. The scientific name of cocoa, the main ingredient of production - Theobroma, is translated as "divine food".

The first cocoa plantations appeared in the 6th century on the territory of modern Mexico. The Maya Indians made a sacred drink from cocoa beans. It was the Spaniards who came up with the idea of ​​adding sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg to liquid chocolate, thereby giving it a more refined taste. For more than half a century, the Spaniards kept the secret of making a chocolate drink a secret. However, the smugglers still managed to get it. The recipe made its way to Austria, Switzerland, then to Germany and finally to France. Already in those years, there were more than 500 cafes in Paris where you could taste a delicious chocolate drink.

Before the invention of a method for obtaining butter from cocoa beans, chocolate was consumed in the form of various drinks and liquid desserts. The first chocolate bar was produced in England in the middle of the 19th century. In 1875, the Swiss invented milk chocolate, and only in 1930 did white chocolate appear.

In our country, the first chocolate sets were produced by the factory of the merchant Abrikosov. It was a very expensive treat. And only in 1965, the first “folk”, affordable chocolate bar appeared on the shelves of stores - the famous “Alenka”.


We asked the townspeople how they celebrate the "chocolate" holiday?

Alena Nikiforova, employee:

I have loved chocolate since childhood. Despite constant diets, I allow myself every morning a small bar of dark chocolate and a cup of coffee. What could be tastier? The mood immediately improves. Even children know that chocolate is an excellent antidepressant. Scientists have found that even the smell of chocolate is useful. This news was immediately picked up by perfumers and released eau de toilette with this scent.

I have almost all shower gels, toilet soap, everything with the smell of chocolate. On this day, I will allow myself a chocolate cake - walk, so walk!

Anton Petrovich, driver:

— For me, the most precious childhood memories are associated with Alenka chocolate. I remember that my father brought this bar of chocolate from Moscow. My childhood fell in the middle of the 60s ... Everyone lived not richly, not like chocolate - there were not enough simple caramels. Chocolates were included in New Year's gift sets. That was a joy for us! Another childhood memory associated with chocolate: when I first met my future wife, I found out from her friends what kind of chocolates she likes. I bought them when I went on a date. It worked! We've been married for thirty years.

Irina, music teacher:

- I was surprised to learn that chocolates with insects are in demand in England! And this pleasure is not cheap. I prefer chocolates, ordinary, and only ours, domestic. Let's celebrate World Chocolate Day with a friend - a box of Assorted chocolates.

Date in 2019: July 11, Thursday.

For centuries, chocolate has been a secret delicacy that only the kings and wealthy families of Europe could afford. The recipe, obtained from the ancient Maya Indians, became available to everyone in the 21st century. However, the original composition and appearance have changed a lot. Confectioners add sugar, milk and other ingredients. Chocolate Day originated in France, but quickly spread around the world because everyone loves this delicacy.

World Chocolate Day appeared with the light hand of the French. July 11 was a national holiday in France, but the idea was picked up in all countries of the world. The holiday quickly became international.

How and who celebrates Chocolate Day

On July 11, the international community celebrates Chocolate Day. The date appeared with the light hand of the French. The wife of Louis III, Anne of Austria, brought fashion to Paris for a hot drink. She was originally from Spain, where aristocrats had long been familiar with cocoa beans. The lady-in-waiting of Ludovik's wife masterfully cooked it, which she taught the royal chefs.

The idea to make chocolate an official holiday came in 1995. The French did not even think of giving the event a worldwide significance. However, the idea appealed to residents of other countries. Soon the sweet tooth of the whole world began to celebrate this day.

It is customary to congratulate with a delicious tile on this day:

  • all sweet lovers;
  • confectioners;
  • chocolate factory employees.

According to the established tradition, confectionery factories arrange an open day and master classes in honor of the holiday. And in chocolate museums, themed festivities and fairs are held.

Interesting! Chocolate museums exist in many countries of the world: Belgium, Germany, Spain, Canada, etc. There are three chocolate museums in Russia - in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Pokrov.

The Americans appreciated the idea of ​​a chocolate holiday and, in addition to July 11, assigned two more dates to the sweet tooth - July 7 and October 28. Residents of the United States celebrate the chocolate holiday three times.

The plot of the TV channel "360" - "Chocolate Festival in Moscow".

history of the holiday

The recipe for a tart drink made from cocoa beans was known 3,000 years ago to the indigenous people of South America - the Mayan and Aztec Indian tribes.

The Indians used cocoa beans as a drink. They were fried, diluted with water and seasoned with hot pepper. The mixture was whipped until a thick foam was obtained. The original composition did not include sugar.

In the 16th century, the recipe was kept strictly secret and was only available to the elite. For divulging the secrets of the royal drink, you could pay with your head. For three centuries this secret was preserved. It was only in the 19th century that something similar to modern chocolate was invented, this is due to the fall in the price of sugar and cocoa.

History of chocolate in Russia:

  • the noble drink was presented to Empress Catherine II by Venezuelan Ambassador Francisco de Miranda;
  • in the middle of the 19th century, the first chocolate factories appeared in Russia. Their owners were French and German merchants;
  • the first manufacturer in imperial Russia is Alexei Abrikosov. He owns the famous candies "Goose paws" and "Cancer necks". After the revolution, Abrikosov's production was renamed the Babaevskaya chocolate factory.

There is practically nothing left of the ancient Maya chocolate drink recipe. Sugar, milk, nuts and other fillers are added to the composition. There are no cocoa beans in the white chocolate bar at all.

Interesting! Chocolate has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Fans of gourmet treats have a 37% lower risk of heart disease.

Transfer of the TV channel "365 days" - "Ordinary story. Chocolate"

Notable chocolate makers

TOP-5 of the world's best chocolate producers:

  1. Amedei Selezioni (Italy) - 12 tiles of goodies from this manufacturer will cost more than 60 thousand rubles. Those who managed to taste such a tile say that it's worth it. Production was opened in 1990 by a brother and sister from Tuscany. Over time, they went to direct suppliers of cocoa beans from Venezuela and achieved an amazing taste of the product.
  2. Teuscher (Switzerland) - the company produces more than a hundred types of chocolate. The main pride is extra-dark chocolate, which consists of 99% elite cocoa beans. In the National Geographic magazine ranking, Teuscher takes the first place.
  3. Leonidas (Belgium) - a well-known manufacturer for more than a century of existence, has opened 350 stores in Belgium and 1250 in other countries of the world. And it all started with a modest family cafe, which was opened by Leonidas Kestekidis. The Greek fell in love with a local girl and emigrated to her native country.
  4. Bovetti (France) - a feature of the manufacturer from France is an unusual type of chocolate. It can be in the form of a hammer or nails. In addition, hot peppers and other unusual ingredients are added to chocolate, which makes Bovetti easily recognizable among other chocolate brands.
  5. Lindt (Switzerland) is a family business that quickly gained momentum in its native Switzerland, and then gained popularity throughout the rest of the world. Lindt packs its products - sweets, desserts, chocolate bars - in cute boxes and cans.

Famous films about chocolate

Chocolate occupies the minds of not only confectioners, but also famous filmmakers. We present the most famous films dedicated to the delicacy of the ancient Maya:

  1. "Chocolate" is a film about the relationship between people and sweets. Starring Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche.
  2. "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - surprisingly, Johnny Depp played the main role in this film. The famous children's picture tells about the difficult fate of a successful chocolatier and a little boy from a poor family.
  3. "Lessons of Chocolate" - by the will of fate, a building contractor gets into the production of chocolate. Over time, his irritation from this work is replaced by joy. Here he finds his love.
  4. "The Destiny of a Pastry Chef" - two pastry chefs - Marco and Grace - hate each other, but for the duration of the pastry competition they have to unite. They are trying to win the victory with the help of the Barrosi coffee and chocolate cake.
  5. Romantics Anonymous is a love story between the owner of a chocolate factory and confectioner Angelica.


Dear lovers of bitter, milk, white and air chocolate!

We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you sweet days! Let joy be brought not only by delicious tiles, but also by people, events, and your favorite business. And today, on this holiday, you can, without thinking about calories, enjoy your favorite treat. It was kept a secret by the elite families of Europe for a long time, and today everyone with a sweet tooth can enjoy the royal dessert!

Congratulations to everyone on this opportunity! Sweet days to you!

Today is Chocolate Day!

Let everything be smooth in life

And may it always be sweet

And everything will be alright!


Today is the sweetest day in the world
There are no barriers for him and no borders,
Chocolate day is celebrated by the planet,
There are no sad faces anywhere.

Alexander , June 23, 2019 .
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