Interesting tasks for kindergarten. Methodical piggy bank of the educator, tasks for children of the senior - preparatory group "Mathematical Development". Exercises for the development of memory, exercises for the development of attention

Here is the complete archive of the free e-magazine Korablik.

Preschoolers are distinguished by curiosity and aspiration. Boring primers and dry presentation of material repels children from further development. The presented magazine was created for a variety of activities with the child, as a help for parents and educators. Bright pictures and interesting exercises are suitable for children who are preparing to go to school. Cognitive tasks allow you to saturate the developing mind with useful knowledge, without breaking away from the gameplay.

The electronic magazine "Ship" has carefully selected tasks aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. The collected exercises activate the logical thinking of the baby, and allow you to put into practice the existing knowledge. Each edition features fun activities that every preschooler will love. Convenient presentation of the material contributes to the rapid memorization of new knowledge.

A fascinating magazine has collected useful material on its pages that can lay the necessary foundation for further learning. Together with interesting exercises, the child will develop in the right direction, train his mind and increase his potential.

Summary of the Ship by Numbers magazine:

Preparing a hand for writing, mathematics, the world around.

Mathematics, logic, the world around.

Preparing hands for writing, thinking.

Mathematics, preparation of the hand for writing.

Preparing a hand for writing, mathematics, logical thinking.

Ship No. 6 (download/view in JPEG format)

The development of motor skills of the hand, mathematics, thinking.

Logic, thinking, memory development.

Ship No. 9 (download/view in JPEG format)

Preparation of the hand for writing, development of speech.

Fundamentals of labor education, logical thinking.

Mathematical representations, motor skills of the hand.

Logical thinking, the world around.

Development of attention, mathematics, logical thinking.

Preparation of the hand for writing, mathematical representations.

The development of speech, mathematics, the world around.

Knowledge of the environment, preparation of the hand for writing.

Mathematics, development of motor skills of the hand.

Classes on the development of speech by compiling sentences and stories.

Environment, fun.

Mathematics for kids: classification.

We develop attention, fine motor skills of children's hands.

Compare objects and develop children's attention.

We develop attention, ingenuity, fine motor skills of the hand, looking for patterns.

We learn to observe, compare and generalize.

We compare objects by their internal characteristics, we solve logical problems.

We teach children the classification of objects.

Classes for the development of intellectual abilities of children 5-6 years old.

Literacy classes for children 5-6 years old.

Articulation gymnastics.

Games and exercises on the theme "Man and his health".

The world around us, ecological education, speech development.

Tasks for the development of thinking in children.

Lessons with letters and syllables.

Children's first steps in mathematics.

Complexes of developing exercises.

Physical education classes for the development of motor creativity of preschoolers.

Mathematics for preschoolers.

Complexes of developing classes for preparing children of senior preschool age for schooling.

We teach children safe behavior, classes on the topic "Winter".

Classes on the topic "Winter".

Math classes for preschoolers.

Tasks for the development of speech of preschool children.

Classes for teaching children to read.

Classes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read through the game.

Reading lessons for 4-5 year olds.

Classes on teaching reading to middle preschool age.

Task cards in mathematics 1st grade.

Classes on the theme "Autumn".

Mathematics, writing.

Exercises for the development of memory, exercises for the development of attention.

Summaries of classes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read and write; exercises for the development of attention, thinking.

Educational exercises for preschoolers.

We develop hand motor skills, develop attention, thinking, mathematics for preschoolers, speech development classes.

Literacy classes, speech development classes.

Riddles games, develop hand motor skills, math problems.

Non-traditional methods of improving children's health, developing logical thinking (lotto), solving crossword puzzles.

Tasks for the development of thinking, tasks for teaching children to read and write, tasks for preparing a child for learning to write.

Cut pictures, crossword puzzles.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 1-10.

Intellectual readiness for school: classes 11-21.

Intellectual readiness for school: classes 22-32.

Games and tasks for the development of a child's attention, thinking, memory.

Tasks for preparing the hand for writing (we draw in the cells).

Exercises and tasks in mathematics for elementary grades.

Developing tasks for logic in children of the middle group of kindergarten. Assignments will help teachers prepare children for school.

Exercise 1

Arrange (connect arrows) fruits in a basket, and vegetables on a plate.

Task 2

Color toys red, clothes yellow, dishes blue.

Task 3

Where is whose tail, where is whose nose?

Task 4

Plant (with the help of arrows) a cockerel not on a log and not on a bench, a chicken - not on a fence and not on a log, a cat - not on a bench and not on a fence.

Task 5

What figure is missing in each row?

Task 6

Pick a pair for each item.

Connect the matching objects with lines

Task 7

In each line, instead of dots, draw the missing figures, keeping the order of their alternation

Task 8

Draw the objects in each row so that they become the same.

Task 9

Perform certain actions

Task 10

How many animals are in the house on the left? How many live in the house on the right? How many animals, and who hid in the two lower houses?

Task 11

Color in green the picture in which there is no ball; in blue - the one where there is no pyramid; red - where there is no cube; yellow - where there are all items.

Task 12

Help the girls find their toys: connect with lines and color the girls' clothes and toys the same color.

Task 13

In each group there is an object that does not fit the rest for some reason. Name these signs.

Task 14

From the items in the bottom row, choose the one you want to draw in the empty "window"

Task 15

Which of the four pictures depicts the characters correctly?

Task 16

The dog and cat have blue and green mats. The cat does not have a green rug, and the dog does not have a blue one. Color your rugs the right way

Task 17

There are blue and pink vases on the table. Tulips are not in a pink vase, and daffodils are not in a blue one. Color the vases correctly

Task 18

Lena has two scarves: red and yellow. The long scarf is not yellow, and the short one is not red. Color the scarves correctly.

Teaching mathematics in a playful way develops and forms the cognitive interest of the child. It is best to form an interest in this science even before teaching it at school.

This will help interesting and exciting tasks and exercises in mathematics for preschoolers.

Developing tasks can bring up a number of useful qualities in a child: perseverance, the ability to set goals and plan, follow the rules, the ability to analyze, weigh the result, and argue.

The search for ways to solve non-standard problems helps to stimulate creative and research activity.

Working with developing mathematical tasks is not at all difficult, parents are quite capable of coping with this. But in order for the child to get the maximum benefit from classes, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of their organization:

Smart tasks help children understand that every potential task can contain trickery or double entenders. To find the correct answer, you need to focus and look at the puzzle from different perspectives.

Before starting the task, it is necessary to give recommendations for its implementation:

  • Take into account the level of development and age characteristics of the child.
  • For example, the concentration of attention of preschoolers is lower than that of younger students. They can hold their attention by engaging in an activity of interest for 30-50 minutes. If suddenly the attention of the baby has faded, you do not need to force him to continue.
  • Proceed from the best interests of the child.
  • Don't overuse hints.
  • If the child cannot find a solution to the problem, you do not need to say the correct answers every time, you need to encourage him to search and show patience. To keep the child’s interest, an adult can offer a partial hint. As a rule, a preschooler cannot complete all tasks the first time, but this has positive aspects - if the child is forced to do something several times, the volitional sphere develops.
  • Do not limit yourself to exercises of one type, but use a variety of material.
  • This will help to diversify. When organizing classes, attention should be paid to the training of spatial and temporal relations, counting skills, imagination, logical thinking, etc.
  • Apply different forms of organizing classes: individual work, games in pairs or team competitions.
  • Proceed from the gradual complication of tasks.
  • Use visual aids that will attract the attention of the child: bright pictures or photographs, images of favorite fairy-tale characters.
  • Do not skimp on praise if the baby deserves it.
  • Encourage independence.

Take care of your child comprehensively. Along with the development of mathematical abilities, develop the skill of reading. Find out from our article.

If your child is a fidget, let him run around orthopedic mat. Read about its benefits in ours.

Types of tasks in mathematics

Entertaining mathematical tasks include games, riddles, comic tasks, puzzles, exercises with geometric shapes. All of them are aimed at developing speed of reaction, logical and non-standard thinking, resourcefulness, and imagination.

Since preschool age is divided into younger and older, tasks should be selected taking into account the degree of complexity. The younger preschool age covers the age period of 3-4 years, and the older one - 5-7 years. Of course, the breakdown of tasks by age is conditional, since everything depends on the pace of development of the offspring, and it is on them that one should be guided.

Math Games

Mathematical games include tasks that are based on the analysis of logical relationships and patterns.

To find the answer, you need to analyze the conditions of the problem, familiarize yourself with its content and understand what needs to be done.

The search for a solution lies in the application of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization.

A game "Make a sequence of numbers". The child is given shuffled cards with numbers from 1 to 5 or 10, and he must arrange them in the correct sequence.

Exercise . The child receives a form with pictures next to which there are numbers. You need to count the objects in the picture and circle the corresponding number.

Exercise . It is necessary to draw the indicated number of points on the body of the insect.

Games for older preschoolers

A game "Compare the number". An adult invites the child to name a number, taking into account the conditions: it must be more than 5, less than 8. For each correct answer, you can give a sun or a flag.

Exercise . On a special form, a series of pictures are located on the left, and examples are on the right. It is necessary to choose a suitable example for the picture.

Math problems for ingenuity

Puzzles are recommended for older preschool children. The most common are geometric problems with counting sticks. They are called geometric, because the basis of the task is the compilation, transformation of various figures. To complete the task, it is necessary to prepare counting sticks and diagram tables with images of figures.

It is necessary to try to choose tasks with different conditions and methods of solutions in order to stimulate the search activity of the baby.

Tasks for preschoolers

A picture with the image of some object is placed in front of the child. It can be a house, a bench,. The child must, focusing on the sample, fold a similar object from the sticks. Subsequently, you can complicate the task by asking the child to fold the picture shown without having an example in front of their eyes, that is, from memory.

"Shape Transformation". The task is carried out in 2 stages. First, the adult shows the child a figure and asks to make the same one out of sticks. Instruction of the second stage: it is necessary to determine which and how many sticks should be removed to get another figure.

The child needs to analyze the presented geometric shapes, imagining what the final result will look like and choose the answer.

The child is given an image of a complex geometric figure, consisting of many details, he must count how many triangles, rectangles, squares are in the figure.

Games for recreating figurative images from geometric shapes

Games with geometric shapes to compose various objects, animals are very useful for the development of analytical thinking, sensory skills. To conduct classes, you need to stock up on a set of shapes: a circle, a triangle, a rectangle or a square.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Make a picture." The child is given a standard set of figures and simple pictures depicting various objects. Focusing on the sample, the child must add the pictures.

Games for older preschoolers:

“Make a silhouette of an animal or insect”. For the game, a circle is taken, which is divided by lines into smaller and heterogeneous parts, and cut. Then, from the received parts of the circle, the children try to make a picture, and they are not given specific instructions - they must act according to their own plan.

"Objects from cubes". Looking at the image of an object, a preschooler builds the same from cubes.

Riddles, comic tasks, entertaining questions

Riddles, comic tasks and entertaining questions are met by children with extraordinary enthusiasm. They are able to activate the mental activity of the child, develop the skills to notice the main and essential properties, separating them from the secondary ones.

Tasks belonging to this category are great for use at the beginning of a lesson to prepare a child for intellectual work, to do mental gymnastics.

Comic tasks can create a favorable emotional background, cheer up. As a rest and switch attention tasks can be used in the middle of the lesson.

Mathematical riddles are intricate questions or descriptions of some object, phenomenon that the child must guess. Since the riddles are mathematical, they will definitely contain numbers, it will be necessary to perform computational actions.

Comic tasks are game tasks with mathematical meaning, for the solution of which you need to use ingenuity and resourcefulness, and in some cases have a sense of humor. According to them, it is recommended to engage from senior preschool age. The content of the tasks is unusual, since, along with the main features, they include secondary ones. It turns out that the search for an answer is, as it were, masked by other conditions.

Examples of joke tasks

  • 2 cars traveled 5 km. How many miles did each car drive?
  • If a stork stands on one leg, then it weighs 4 kg. How much will a stork weigh when it stands on 2 legs?
  • What is heavier: 1 kg of concrete or 1 kg of cotton wool?

Interesting questions

They are short questions with an urge to count something.

  • How many ears do three mice have?
  • You, yes I, yes we are with you. How many of us?

Games, mathematical entertainment

Games and mathematical entertainment are a great way to diversify the forms of work. If you choose a game with two participants, then the child's interest will increase due to the spirit of competition.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Finish the drawing." The child is given a sheet of paper with geometric figures depicted on it. The task is to draw a small drawing based on the desired geometric figure. For example, from a circle you can draw a snowman or a clock, from a square - a TV, a briefcase.

An example of a game for older preschoolers

"Houses". For this game you will need 20 images of houses with 10 windows. By the presence of curtains on the windows, one can judge the apartments. The essence of the game is to compare the houses with each other: how many residents need to move in so that all the apartments are completely occupied, how many residents need to be removed from the house so that as many apartments are occupied in it as in the fifth house.

Universal Games

The older the child, the more numbers can be.

Books on mathematics for preschoolers

  1. A. Boloshistaya "Mathematics around you." The workbook includes tasks for the formation of mathematical thinking. Designed for children 4-5 years old.
  2. K.V. Shevelev "Mathematics for preschoolers". The workbook consists of developmental tasks addressed to children 6-7 years old. Classes are designed to prepare for school.
  3. L.G. Peterson "One is a step, two is a step". A series of manuals is designed to form a mathematical way of thinking, imagination, and the ability to analyze.
  4. M. Druzhinina "The Big Book of Leisure". The book includes puzzles, riddles, puzzles. Tasks are designed to develop analytical thinking, broaden horizons, and activate the imagination.
  5. O. Zhukova "Mathematics for preschoolers." The coloring book contains game exercises that will teach the child to count up to 10, help develop perception and logic.

One of the most important skills of a child, which determines his readiness to study the school curriculum, is the ability to think logically. As a rule, most of the tasks are focused on the development of logic when preparing your child for school in the courses of a future first grader, and they need to be given special attention, especially if you are going to teach your child in a gymnasium or lyceum.

What do developmental tasks for children include? First of all, these are prescriptions. The recipes are completely different, from the simplest, for children 3-5 years old, where you just need to draw a line or connect the dots, to the most difficult - writing block letters and numbers. We will not dwell on such prescriptions in this article, all the details are in the article REGISTRATION FOR CHILDREN, there you can download and print these recipes for free.

Tasks are focused on the development of thinking, creativity, mathematical concepts, speech, ideas about the world around. To download and print worksheets, click on the pictures, open them in full size and save or print.

Educational tasks for children 3-4 years old

Developmental tasks for children 4-5 years old

Developmental tasks for children 5-6 years old

More developmental tasks for children 3-7 years old: FUN LESSONS >>

Developing thinking, we will not bypass theoretical tasks:

Developmental tasks of a psychologist for children

  1. 6 ears stick out from behind the hill. How many hares sit behind the hill? (3)
  2. What is more in the river, fish or perches? (fish)
  3. How many doorknobs are there in the house? (twice as many as doors)
  4. Burned 7 candles. 2 are extinguished. How many candles are left? (2)
  5. Katya, Galya and Olya drew characters from the village of Prostokvashino: Pechkin, Sharik Matroskin. Who drew who if Katya did not draw Pechkin and Sharik, and Galya did not draw Pechkin?
  6. Worth maple. There are two branches on a maple, on each branch there are two cherries. How many cherries grow on a maple?
  7. If a goose stands on two legs, then it weighs 4 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on one leg?
  8. Two sisters have one brother. How many children are in the family?
  9. Giraffe, crocodile and hippo lived in different houses. The giraffe did not live in a red or blue house. The crocodile did not live in a red or orange house. Guess what houses the animals lived in?
  10. Three fish swam in different aquariums. The red fish did not swim in a round or rectangular aquarium. Goldfish - not in a square and not in a round. In which aquarium did the green fish swim?
  11. Once upon a time there were three girls: Tanya, Lena and Dasha. Tanya is taller than Lena, Lena is taller than Dasha. Which girl is the tallest and who is the shortest? Which one of them is called?
  12. Misha has three carts of different colors: red, yellow and blue. Misha also has three toys: a tumbler, a pyramid and a top. In a red cart, he will not be lucky with a top or a pyramid. In yellow - not a top and not a tumbler. What will Mishka be lucky in each of the carts?
  13. The mouse does not ride in the first and not in the last car. The chicken is not in the middle and not in the last carriage. In which carriages do the mouse and the chicken travel?
  14. The dragonfly does not sit on a flower or on a leaf. The grasshopper does not sit on a fungus and not on a flower. The ladybug does not sit on a leaf or on a fungus. Who is sitting on what? (it's better to draw everything)
  15. Alyosha, Sasha and Misha live on different floors. Alyosha lives neither on the top floor nor on the bottom one. Sasha does not live on the middle floor or on the lower one. On which floor does each of the boys live?
  16. Anya, Yulia and Olya's mother bought fabrics for dresses. Anya is neither green nor red. Julia - not green and not yellow. Ole - not yellow and not red. Which fabric for which of the girls?
  17. There are different fruits in three plates. Bananas are not in a blue or orange plate. Oranges are not in a blue and pink plate. Which bowl contains plums? What about bananas and oranges?
  18. A flower does not grow under a Christmas tree, a fungus does not grow under a birch. What grows under the tree, and what under the birch?
  19. Anton and Denis decided to play. One with cubes and the other with cars. Anton did not take the typewriter. How did Anton and Denis play?
  20. Vika and Katya decided to draw. One girl drew with paints, and the other with pencils. What did Katya begin to draw if Vika did not draw with pencils?
  21. Red and Black clowns performed with a ball and a ball. The red clown did not perform with a ball, and the black clown did not perform with a ball. What subjects did the Red and Black clowns perform with?
  22. Lisa and Petya went to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Lisa did not pick mushrooms. What did Peter collect?
  23. Two cars were driving along the wide and narrow roads. The truck was not driving on a narrow road. Which road was the car on? What about cargo?
  24. How many ears do three mice have?
  25. How many paws do two cubs have?
  26. Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there?
  27. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have?
  28. Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer soon!
  29. Burned 7 candles. 2 candles extinguished. How many candles are left?
  30. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three children so that one apple remains in the basket?
  31. There are three thick branches on a birch, each thick branch has three thin branches. On each thin branch, one apple. How many apples are there?
  32. Sasha ate a large and sour apple. Olya ate a large and sweet apple. What is the same about these apples? miscellaneous?
  33. Masha and Nina looked at the pictures. One girl was looking at pictures in a magazine, and the other girl was looking at pictures in a book. Where did Nina look at the pictures if Masha did not look at the pictures in the magazine?
  34. Tolya and Igor drew. One boy drew a house, and the other a branch with leaves. What did Tolya draw if Igor did not draw a house?
  35. Alik, Borya and Vova lived in different houses. Two houses had three floors, one house had two floors. Alik and Borya lived in different houses, Borya and Vova also lived in different houses. Where did each boy live?
  36. Kolya, Vanya and Seryozha were reading books. One boy read about travel, another about the war, the third about sports. then what did you read about if Kolya did not read about the war and about sports, and Vanya did not read about sports?
  37. Zina, Lisa and Larisa embroidered. One girl embroidered leaves, another - birds, the third - flowers. Who embroidered what, if Lisa did not embroider leaves and birds, and Zina did not embroider leaves?
  38. The boys Slava, Dima, Petya and Zhenya were planting fruit trees. Some of them planted apple trees, some - pears, some - plums, some - cherries. What did each boy plant if Dima did not plant plums, apple trees and pears, Petya did not plant pears and apple trees, and Slava did not plant apple trees?
  39. Girls Asya, Tanya, Ira and Larisa went in for sports. Some of them played volleyball, some swam, some ran, some played chess. What sport was each girl fond of if Asya did not play volleyball, chess and did not run, Ira did not run and did not play chess, and Tanya did not run?
  40. Sasha is sadder than Tolik. Tolik is sadder than Alik. Who is the funniest of all?
  41. Ira is neater than Lisa. Lisa is neater than Natasha. Who is the most careful?
  42. Misha is stronger than Oleg. Misha is weaker than Vova. Who is the strongest?
  43. Katya is older than Serezha. Katya is younger than Tanya. Who is the youngest?
  44. The fox is slower than the turtle. The fox is faster than the deer. Who is the fastest?
  45. The hare is weaker than the dragonfly. The hare is stronger than the bear. Who is the weakest?
  46. Sasha is 10 years younger than Igor. Igor is 2 years older than Lesha. Who is the youngest?
  47. Ira is 3 cm lower than Klava. Klava is 12 cm taller than Lyuba. Who is the highest?
  48. Tolik is much lighter than Seryozha. Tolik is a little heavier than Valera. Who is the lightest?
  49. Vera is a little darker than Luda. Vera is much lighter than Katya. Who is the brightest?
  50. Lesha is weaker than Sasha. Andrey is stronger than Lesha. Who is stronger?
  51. Natasha is more fun than Larisa. Nadia is sadder than Natasha. Who is the saddest?
  52. Sveta is older than Ira and shorter than Marina. Sveta is younger than Marina and taller than Ira. Who is the youngest and who is the shortest?
  53. Kostya is stronger than Edik and slower than Alik. Kostya is weaker than Alik and faster than Edik. Who is the strongest and who is the slowest?
  54. Olya is darker than Tonya. Tonya is lower than Asya. Asya is older than Olya. Olya is taller than Asya. Asya is lighter than Tonya. Tonya is younger than Olya. Who is the darkest, lowest and oldest?
  55. Kolya is heavier than Petya. Petya is sadder than Pasha. Pasha is weaker than Kolya. Kolya is more fun than Pasha. Pasha is lighter than Petya. Petya is stronger than Kolya. Who is the lightest, who is the most fun of all, who is the strongest?
  56. Five apples grew on a pear, and only two on a Christmas tree. How many apples have grown?
  57. What happens to a white handkerchief if it is dipped into the Red Sea?
  58. How many nuts are in an empty glass?
  59. What dishes can not be eaten?
  60. The duck weighs two kilograms. How much will a duck weigh if it stands on one leg?
  61. How many ends does one stick have? And half of the stick?
  62. My father has a daughter, but she is not my sister. Who is this?
  63. What is heavier - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of nails?
  64. The banana was cut into four pieces. How many incisions were made?
  65. Two sons and two fathers ate three apples. How many apples did each one eat?
  66. Masha was going to the city, and three old women were meeting her, each with two bags, in each bag there was a cat. How many people went to the city in total?
  67. Misha is 2 years old, and Luda is 1 year old. What will be their age difference in 2 years?
  68. The bagel was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made?
  69. Serezha stayed with his grandmother for a week and three days. How many days did Seryozha stay?
  70. Nastya has a whole orange, 2 halves and 4 quarters. How many oranges does she have?
  71. Grandma Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Dymok, a dog Fluff. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?
  72. The egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How long does it take to boil 5 eggs at the same time in one pan?
  73. Two cars traveled 40 kilometers. How many kilometers did each travel?
  74. Five knots were tied on the rope. How many parts did these knots divide the rope into?
  75. 10 bird's paws were visible from under the fence. How many birds are behind the fence?
  76. The staircase has 9 steps. What step will be the average?
  77. The boy poured together 3 piles of sand, and then poured two more into it. How many piles of sand are there?
  78. Mila and Natasha found two coins under the stone. How many coins would one girl find?
  79. Mom bought the children three scarves and six mittens. How many children does mom have?
  80. You are the pilot of a plane flying from London to Berlin with two transfers in Paris. Question: What is the name of the pilot?
  81. You enter a dark room. The room has a gas stove, a kerosene lamp and a candle. You have a box of 1 match in your pocket. Question: what will you light first? (match)
  82. The businessman bought a horse for $10, sold it for $20. Then he bought the same horse for $30 and sold it for $40. Question: What is the total income of the businessman from these two transactions? (20)
  83. Who walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening? (person: infancy, adult, old age)
  84. Hare in the forest. Rain is coming. Question: under which tree will the hare hide? (wet)
  85. Two people walk towards each other. Both are exactly the same. Question: which one of them will say hello first? (more polite)
  86. The dwarf lives on the 38th floor. Every morning he gets into the elevator, reaches the 1st floor and goes to work. In the evening, he enters the entrance, gets into the elevator, reaches the 24th floor, and then walks to his apartment. Question: why does he do this? (does not reach)
  87. Find an error in the reasoning: There is a certain room. It contains an atom. The possible positions of the atom are infinite. So the probability that the atom is in position (x,y,z) is zero. Because 1 divided by infinity == 0. (not zero, but an infinitesimal value)
  88. Dog-3, Cat-3, Donkey-2, Fish-0. What is the Rooster equal to? And why? (Cockerel-8 (cook-re-coo!))
  89. Prove that "I" is not living in a computer simulation. Prove to "yourself" that the outside world and other people exist. Reasoning task.

It's great if you systematically solve any riddles with your child, this develops logic, fantasy, and imaginative thinking.

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