Achievements of technology in the USSR. Technical achievements of the Soviet Union

Contribution of the Soviet people to world civilization

Russian media with a democratic orientation are repeating around the clock that the Russian people are backward, second-rate, inferior, incapable of anything serious in science and technology, and Russia’s task now is only to wander in the tail of world civilization and try not to far behind the developed capitalist countries.

And our youth believes them because they do not have the slightest idea about the life of an ordinary person in the Soviet Union, about the technical, scientific and social achievements of Soviet power and Soviet society. They really believe that the Soviet medium tank T-34 is an American tank we converted, the Kalashnikov assault rifle we borrowed from the Germans, and the atomic bomb we stole from the Americans, and our space rockets are copied German developments of their latest models V-3 and V-4, captured by us in one of their missile centers in the Baltic.

I constantly have to communicate with modern Russian youth. And I am amazed at her absolute “ignorance” of the history of her country in the twentieth century. That’s why I once gave them a lecture about the Soviet contribution to world civilization.

The students were in real shock. They did not know that Soviet civilization had such enormous achievements in the technical and social development of the world. Although I told them only what was preserved in my memory from Soviet times, when I worked for over fifteen years as a freelance expert at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of State Patent Examination or VNIIPGE and examined applications for inventions. And for this I had to be aware of the latest technical developments in the world. I present an excerpt from this lecture for your consideration.

Technical achievements of the Soviet nation of world significance.

1. Tank T-34. This tank is recognized by the entire world community as the best medium tank of the Second World War. And no one can silence this outstanding achievement of the Soviet military-industrial complex.

2. Tank KV. Even the Germans themselves recognized it as the best heavy tank of the first half of the Second World War and which the Germans could not knock out with any of their anti-tank guns. They equalized their chances in heavy tanks only with the release of their heavy tanks of the Tiger and Panther series.

3. Tank IS-2. The best heavy tank of the end of the Second World War, which even the fascist Tigers of all modifications could not compete with. Most foreign experts reluctantly admit this fact.

4. Yak-3 fighter. The best light fighter of the Second World War, according to many foreign experts. Its tactical and technical qualities are superior to any fighters of that time.

5. The Soviet atomic bomb, which we made in just two years from practically nothing. We can talk a lot about the fact that we allegedly took the atomic bomb project from the Americans. Speak up if you have nothing else to do. Paper with drawings is one thing, but a finished object in the form of a nuclear charge is completely different.

Now drawings of an atomic charge can be obtained on the Internet. Take it and do it! Who's stopping you?! However, nothing will work. Because for its production it is necessary to create an appropriate scientific, technical and production base. And this base had to be created in a war-ravaged country. And the Soviet people, under the leadership of the Soviet government and their Communist Party, created such a base. But for some reason there is no monument to this unprecedented feat of the Soviet people.

6. The hydrogen bomb, which we made first in the world, ahead of the Americans themselves, who began working on it much earlier and worked on it for almost ten years. And we received it in 1949 on war-ravaged land. What kind of powerful potential did Soviet civilization have if it turned out to be capable of such an impossible thing?!

7. The world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk. As an example of the peaceful use of the atom. The Americans made atomic bombs and nuclear submarines, but we took it and, with the help of the atom, launched a power plant for ourselves, ahead of rich, fat America, which had never fought on its territory.

8. The world's first nuclear icebreaker. Another example of the peaceful Soviet approach to the use of nuclear energy on earth.

9. The world's first earth satellite. This was a terrible blow to the prestige and psychology of Americans. And they considered this Soviet success an accident.

10. But then came the world’s first launch of living beings of the highest class into space, the dogs Belka and Strelka and their return to earth.

11. And then something happened that the Americans still cannot forgive us for. The world's first cosmonaut, a citizen of the Soviet Union, Yuri Gagarin, appeared. It was then that the President of the United States uttered his famous words: the Russians beat us in the competition for Space at the school desk. And it is precisely this, the best education in the world, that today’s Russian radical democrats have been actively destroying for two decades.

12. And then came our impressive achievements in the development of osmosis: the world's first photographs of the far side of the moon delivered to earth, and the world's first lunar globe with a detailed lunar relief.

13. The first pennant from the earth, taken to the moon and left there forever, as a symbol of the triumph of the Soviet Socialist system on this earth.

14. The world's first moving vehicle, the so-called lunar rover, was delivered to the moon and moved for many months on the surface of the moon and transmitted images of the moon to the earth.

15. The world's first orbital space station, orbiting the earth, with rotating crews of astronauts working on it for several months at a time.

16. The world's first reusable spacecraft called "Buran", launched from an orbital aircraft and returning to earth automatically. An outstanding Soviet space achievement, which was later thrown into the trash heap at the direction of the US STATE DEPARTMENT by the new owners of Russia.

17. The world's first super-high-rise, the so-called Ostankino TV tower, built according to an unusual and extremely safe domestic project.

18. The best rifle machine in the world, the brilliant Soviet worker who became an Outstanding Soviet designer, Mikhail Kalashnikov. In today's Russia, someone like him would never be able to get a job as anyone other than a loader in the market.

19. The world's most widespread semi-automatic welding of metal structures in a shielding gas environment with a consumable electrode, now called Russian welding or welding in a carbon dioxide environment.

20. Automatic submerged arc welding of metals, with the help of which we welded tank hulls in the “Tankograd” in the Urals during the Second World War.

21. Automatic welding of metal of unlimited thickness, the so-called electroslag welding, which in Soviet times was widely used in the manufacture of large body parts for various purposes weighing up to several thousand tons.

22. One of the most widespread methods for producing high-alloy steels with specified properties, now called electroslag remelting.

23. Development of mass production of multilayer twisted pipes for high-pressure gas pipelines, butt welding of which during installation in the field is now carried out using the method proposed by the author of this article.

24. Mastering the production of brazed instead of welded metal masts of high-voltage transmissions.

25. Mastering the production of the world's largest converters for steel smelting with a capacity of over five hundred tons.

26. Mastering the production of converter steel with blowing the liquid melt with oxygen instead of air.

27. Introduction of a unified energy system in the country, the only one in the world for such large states. America still doesn’t have it, but we have it! More precisely - it was! Mr. Chubais, together with his friend Yeltsin, destroyed it.

28. A single geological map for the entire country, which can still be used to predict the locations of various minerals. No major country in the world still has such a map.

29. The world's first installation for controlled thermonuclear fusion of the TOKAMAK type

30. The world's first mobile installation for launching ballistic missiles based on railway cars, which still has no analogues in the world and which was destroyed in our country at the request of the US STATE DEPARTMENT in the memorable nineties.

31. The world's first nuclear submarine with a double-layer welded hull, capable of operating at depths of over six hundred meters.

31. The world's first nuclear submarine with a welded titanium hull, capable of diving to depths of up to a thousand meters.

34. The world's first aircraft with variable wing geometry, which once made a splash at the air parade in Le Bourget.

35. The world's first aircraft with vertical lift and landing.

36. The world's first jet passenger airliner.

37. The world's first supersonic passenger airliner.

38. In general, it must be admitted that more than forty percent of world passenger aviation in the second half of the twentieth century were equipped with Soviet aircraft.

39. The world's first ekranoplan, a kind of flying hybrid of a sea ship and an airplane, which was tested in the late eighties and which still has no analogues in the world.

40. The world's first giant transport aircraft, capable of carrying over 250 tons of payload by air.

41. The world's first hydrofoil ship.

42. The world's first resistance butt welding of large-sized housings of diesel engines of diesel locomotives and sea vessels.

43. The world's first industrial flash butt welding of main pipeline pipes in field conditions.

44. The world's first and only rotary machine for processing hydraulic turbine casings with a faceplate diameter of fifteen meters.

46. ​​The world's first heavy-duty dump truck with a lifting capacity of 850 tons for coal and iron ore deposits in southern Yakutia.

47. The only country in the world that produces high-power walking excavators with a bucket volume of over 150 cubic meters.

48. The only country in the world that produces high-power floating dredges for extracting gold and rare earth minerals from the bottom of rivers.

Everything that I mentioned here is just what immediately came to my mind and what can be said immediately, offhand, and what was known to almost every technically literate and technically inquisitive Soviet person. Much has been written about these achievements of ours in the magazines “Technology for Youth”, “Knowledge and Power”, “Science and Life”, “Young Technician” and in a number of other periodicals of the Soviet Union, published in millions of copies. And which we don’t have in our country now. They were replaced by countless glossy magazines with half-naked and completely naked girls.

And I probably missed something and for that I apologize to my readers. But if anyone has additions to this list of mine, I will gladly accept them!

This suggests an elementary conclusion, from which you cannot escape, even if you wanted to. The conclusion is the following: in its development, the Soviet Union was at the forefront of world technological progress and its contribution to the development of human civilization is extremely great.

That is, the Soviet state system turned out to be an order of magnitude more effective than the capitalist one. Despite its natural costs and the three terrible wars that swept across our open spaces.

Under the Soviet system, under Soviet power, Russia developed rapidly. Moreover, it developed not at the expense of foreign investments that came to us for free for crazy profits, but at the expense of its internal reserves and the immense resources of the Soviet state system, based on Socialist democracy.

Vitaly Ovchinnikov

2. Tank KV. Even the Germans themselves recognized it as the best heavy tank of the first half of the Second World War and which the Germans could not knock out with any of their anti-tank guns. They equalized their chances in heavy tanks only with the release of their heavy tanks of the Tiger and Panther series.

1.Tank T-34. This tank is recognized by the entire world community as the best medium tank of the Second World War. And no one can silence this outstanding achievement of the Soviet military-industrial complex.
4. Yak-3 fighter. The best light fighter of the Second World War, according to many foreign experts. Its tactical and technical qualities are superior to any fighters of that time.

5. The Soviet atomic bomb, which we made in just two years from practically nothing. We can talk a lot about the fact that we allegedly took the atomic bomb project from the Americans. Speak up if you have nothing else to do. Paper with drawings is one thing, but a finished object in the form of a nuclear charge is completely different.

Now drawings of an atomic charge can be obtained on the Internet. Take it and do it! Who's stopping you?! However, nothing will work. Because for its production it is necessary to create an appropriate scientific, technical and production base. And this base had to be created in a war-ravaged country. And the Soviet people, under the leadership of the Soviet government and their Communist Party, created such a base. But for some reason there is no monument to this unprecedented feat of the Soviet people.

6. The hydrogen bomb, which we made first in the world, ahead of the Americans themselves, who began working on it much earlier and worked on it for almost ten years. And we received it in 1949 on war-ravaged land. What kind of powerful potential did Soviet civilization have if it turned out to be capable of such an impossible thing?!

7. The world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk. As an example of the peaceful use of the atom. The Americans made atomic bombs and nuclear submarines, but we took it and, with the help of the atom, launched a power plant for ourselves, ahead of rich, fat America, which had never fought on its territory.

8. The world's first nuclear icebreaker. Another example of the peaceful Soviet approach to the use of nuclear energy on earth.

9. The world's first earth satellite. This was a terrible blow to the prestige and psychology of Americans. And they considered this Soviet success an accident.

10. But then came the world’s first launch of living beings of the highest class into space, the dogs Belka and Strelka and their return to earth.

11. And then something happened that Americans still cannot forgive us. The world's first Cosmonaut, a citizen of the Soviet Union, Yuri Gagarin, appeared. It was then that the President of the United States uttered his famous words: the Russians beat us in the competition for Space at the school desk. And it is precisely this, the best education in the world, that today’s Russian radical democrats have been actively destroying for two decades.

12. And then came our impressive achievements in the development of osmosis: the world's first photographs of the far side of the moon delivered to earth, and the world's first lunar globe with a detailed lunar relief.

13. The first pennant from the earth, taken to the moon and left there forever, as a symbol of the triumph of the Soviet Socialist system on this earth.

14. The world's first moving vehicle, the so-called lunar rover, was delivered to the moon and moved for many months on the surface of the moon and transmitted images of the moon to the earth.

15. The world's first orbital space station, orbiting the earth, with rotating crews of astronauts working on it for several months at a time.

16. The world's first reusable spacecraft called "Buran", launched from an orbital aircraft and returning to earth automatically. An outstanding Soviet space achievement, later thrown into the trash heap by the current “new owners” of Russia.

17. The world's first super-high-rise, the so-called Ostankino TV tower, built according to an unusual and extremely safe domestic project.

18. The best rifle machine in the world, the brilliant Soviet worker who became an Outstanding Soviet designer, Mikhail Kalashnikov. In today's Russia, someone like him would never be able to get a job as anyone other than a loader in the market.

19. The world's most widespread semi-automatic welding of metal structures in a shielding gas environment with a consumable electrode, now called Russian welding or welding in a carbon dioxide environment.

20. Automatic submerged arc welding of metals, with the help of which we welded tank hulls in the “Tankograd” in the Urals during the Second World War.

21. Automatic welding of metal of unlimited thickness, the so-called electroslag welding, which in Soviet times was widely used in the manufacture of large body parts for various purposes weighing up to several thousand tons.

22. One of the most widespread methods for producing high-alloy steels with specified properties, now called electroslag remelting.

23. Development of mass production of multilayer twisted pipes for high-pressure gas pipelines, butt welding of which during installation in the field is now carried out using the method proposed by the author of this article.

24. Mastering the production of brazed instead of welded metal masts of high-voltage transmissions.

25. Mastering the production of the world's largest converters for steel smelting with a capacity of over five hundred tons.

26. Mastering the production of converter steel with blowing the liquid melt with oxygen instead of air.

27. Introduction of a unified energy system in the country, the only one in the world for such large states. America still doesn’t have it, but we have it! More precisely - it was! Mr. Chubais, together with his friend Yeltsin, destroyed it.

28. A single geological map for the entire country, which can still be used to predict the locations of various minerals. No major country in the world still has such a map.

29. The world's first installation for controlled thermonuclear fusion of the TOKAMAK type

30. The world's first mobile installation for launching ballistic missiles based on railway cars, which still has no analogues in the world and which was destroyed in our country at the request of the US STATE DEPARTMENT in the memorable nineties.

31. The world's first nuclear submarine with a double-layer welded hull, capable of operating at depths of over six hundred meters.

31. The world's first nuclear submarine with a welded titanium hull, capable of diving to depths of up to a thousand meters.

34. The world's first aircraft with variable wing geometry, which once made a splash at the air parade in Le Bourget.

35. The world's first aircraft with vertical lift and landing.

36. The world's first jet passenger airliner.

37. The world's first supersonic passenger airliner.

38. In general, it must be admitted that more than forty percent of world passenger aviation in the second half of the twentieth century were equipped with Soviet aircraft.

39. The world's first ekranoplan, a kind of flying hybrid of a sea ship and an aircraft, which was tested in the late eighties and which still has no analogues in the world.

40. The world's first giant transport aircraft, capable of carrying over 250 tons of payload by air.

41. The world's first hydrofoil ship.

42. The world's first resistance butt welding of large-sized housings of diesel engines of diesel locomotives and sea vessels.

43. The world's first industrial flash butt welding of main pipeline pipes in field conditions.

44. The world's first and only rotary machine for processing hydraulic turbine casings with a faceplate diameter of fifteen meters.

46. ​​The world's first heavy-duty dump truck with a lifting capacity of 850 tons for coal and iron ore deposits in southern Yakutia.

47.The only country in the world that produces high-power walking excavators with a bucket volume of over 150 cubic meters.

48. The only country in the world that produces high-power floating dredges for extracting gold and rare earth minerals from the bottom of rivers.

The USSR - a large and strong state located on 1/6 of the land - was a real factory of achievements. In any industry, be it science, defense, culture or sports, the Soviet Union had someone and something to be proud of! The main achievement of the Soviet era in the 1920s was the electrification of the entire country, the elimination of illiteracy, and overcoming the consequences of the revolution and the Civil War. Education and medical care became free for all Soviet citizens. The 1930s marked the beginning of a time of grandiose construction projects: units were introduced at the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, and the White Sea-Baltic Canal was built. The 1940s were marked by the victory over fascism and the beginning of the country's restoration. Among the achievements of the 1950s were the successful testing of the hydrogen bomb, the launching of the nuclear icebreaker Lenin, and the development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan, the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East. The “Space Decade” of the 1960s showed that the USSR pioneered space technology, which began with Yuri Gagarin’s flight into space. The 1970s and 1980s are the triumph of Soviet culture: the glory of Russian ballet and hockey resounds throughout the world, and the Olympics are held in Moscow. The USSR really walked ahead of the rest of the planet! We have no right to be ashamed of our recent past, because we have something to be proud of, says this book about the greatest achievements of the Soviet era.

A series: Russian history

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by liters company.

Achievements of the USSR on a five-year plan scale

The great Soviet past must be known and constantly reminded of it, first of all as a sign of gratitude to our ancestors for their heroic labor and military exploits, and also so that our children and grandchildren can find that patriotic foundation on which to build a bright future.

For ease of perception of the material, we will present the achievements for the five-year plans - the time periods adopted for planned economic management in the USSR. Let us present brief results of the five-year plans in order to trace the dynamics of success, the dynamics of creation under the social system, which was called socialism.

On December 3, 1927, J.V. Stalin said: “Our plans are not forecast plans, not guesswork plans, but plans-directives that are binding on the governing bodies and that determine the direction of our economic development in the future on a national scale.” Almost a year later, on November 19, 1928, the leader once again set the task: “It is necessary to catch up and overtake the developed capitalist countries. Either we achieve this, or we will be wiped out.” Since 1928, the USSR State Planning Committee began to draw up five-year plans and monitor their implementation.

Five-year plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR or five-year plans were intended for the rapid economic development of the Soviet Union. The plans were developed centrally on a nationwide scale by a specially created state body (Gosplan of the USSR) under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The implementation of the plan became an incentive for the Soviet working people (Stakhanov movement, socialist competition, etc.).

The same method of planning was adopted by most other socialist states as well as the Government of India. In addition, several capitalist states imitated the concept of central planning, albeit in the context of a market economy, setting aggregate economic goals for a finite period of time. Thus, the “Seven Year Plans” and “Twelve Year Plans” appeared.

Several five-year plans did not take up their full time span (some were successfully completed ahead of schedule, while others failed and remained unimplemented). The first Five-Year Plans were formulated with the goal of rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union, and hence their primary focus was on heavy industry. There were 13 five-year plans in total. The first was adopted in 1928, for a five-year period from 1929 to 1933, and was completed a year earlier.

In 1959, at the XXI Congress of the CPSU, a seven-year plan for the development of the national economy for 1959–1965 was adopted. Subsequently, five-year plans were adopted again.

The last, thirteenth Five-Year Plan was designed to cover the period from 1991 to 1995 and was not implemented due to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the subsequent transition to a decentralized market economy.

First Five-Year Plan (1929–1932)

In fact, the first five-year plan was completed at an accelerated pace: in four years. The volume of gross industrial output doubled over these four years, including: electricity, sulfuric acid - 2.7 times, coal and oil - 1.8 times, steel - 1.4 times, cement - 2 times, metal-cutting machines - 10 times, tractors, cars - 30 times.

From the speech of I.V. Stalin on February 4, 1931: “We are 50–100 years behind advanced countries. We must run this distance in 10 years. Either we do this or we will be crushed.”

In Ivanovo, the following were built, equipped and commissioned: the largest Melange plant in Europe; spinning factories – Krasnaya Talka and them. Dzerzhinsky, peat machine plant; in Nizhny Novgorod - automobile factories, in Kharkov and Stalingrad - tractor factories; Uralmash... Trains went along Turksib to Central Asia. By the end of 1930, there was no unemployment in the country. With the beginning of collectivization, technology came to the village. There are practically no illiterate people left in the country.

From the speech of I.V. Stalin: “We have done more than we ourselves expected: the tractor, automobile, aviation industries, machine tool manufacturing, agricultural engineering have been re-created, a new coal and metallurgical base has been re-created in the East.”

The same five-year plan through the eyes of journalist S. Shevchenko:

1st FIVE YEAR PLAN (1928–1932)

“In accordance with the policy of industrialization of the country, first of all, the production of means of production should be strengthened... the growth of heavy and light industry, transport and agriculture... The fastest pace of development should be given to those industries that increase the economic power and defense capability of the USSR in the shortest possible time.”

Intensive industrialization of the country began.

In total, 1,500 large industrial enterprises were built.

National income has almost doubled.

The volume of industrial production has more than doubled.

Construction of the Dneproges power station (the largest in the world).

Metallurgical plants were built in the cities of Magnitogorsk, Lipetsk, Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk, Sverdlovsk (Uralmash).

Tractor factories were built in the cities of Stalingrad, Chelyabinsk, Kharkov, Nizhny Tagil (Uralvagonzavod).

Automobile factories were built: GAZ, ZIS.

New industries have emerged: tractor, automobile, aviation, machine tool, heavy and agricultural engineering, ferrous metallurgy, chemical.

A second coal and metallurgical base has been created - Kuzbass.

The Turkestan-Siberian Railway was put into operation.

Unemployment was eliminated in the country and a 7-hour working day was introduced.

Socialist transformations of agriculture: 211 thousand collective farms, 150 thousand tractors, 2446 machine and tractor stations, 70 thousand specialists with higher and secondary education.

Gross industrial output was 3 times higher than the level of 1913.

The USSR took 2nd place in the world in mechanical engineering, iron smelting and oil production and 3rd place in electricity production.

“The foundation of the socialist economy has been built, the victory of socialism in the USSR is ensured.”

Second Five-Year Plan (1933–1937)

Over the five-year period, national income increased by 2.1 times, industrial output by 2.1 times, and agricultural output by 1.3 times. The Ural-Kuzbass, the second coal and metallurgical base in the country, was built. In 1935, metro lines were put into operation in Moscow. The Stakhanovist movement “For Shock Labor” developed widely in the country. In 1937, the first current was generated by the DneproGES, the construction of the Moscow-Volga shipping canal was completed, Papanin’s expedition landed at the North Pole and deployed the first polar station SP-1, the crew of the ANT-25 aircraft V. Chkalov, G. Baidukov, A. Belyakov made a non-stop flight from the USSR to the USA via the North Pole. By the end of the Five-Year Plan, 97 out of every hundred peasant households were members of collective farms.

2nd FIVE YEAR PLAN (1933–1937)

The head of state is J.V. Stalin.

In total, 4,500 large industrial facilities were built.

National income increased 2.1 times.

The volume of industrial production increased 2.2 times.

The volume of agricultural products increased 1.3 times.

Highly qualified personnel have been trained. Slogan: “Personnel decides everything!”

Military factories were built, and they began to produce tanks, planes, and guns.

Construction of the metro in Moscow.

Intensive development of domestic aviation - new institutes, design bureaus, factories.

On the ANT-25 aircraft, the crew, consisting of V. Chkalov, G. Baidukov, A. Belyakov, made a non-stop flight across the North Pole from the USSR to the USA.

The White Sea-Baltic (227 km) and Moscow-Volga (128 km) canals were built.

Schools were built and opened - 3.6 thousand in cities and towns and 15 thousand in rural areas.

456 thousand tractors, 128 thousand combines, 146 thousand cars were already working on the fields of collective and state farms.

The result of Stalin's two five-year plans - the USSR became a major industrial power, society consisted of friendly social strata (workers, peasants, intelligentsia), society was united, and the friendship of peoples strengthened.

Third Five-Year Plan (1938–1942)

In the first three years of the third five-year plan, industrial production increased by 45 percent, and mechanical engineering by 70 percent. In the face of the aggressive policy of Nazi Germany, special attention was paid to strengthening the country's defense capability, the development and mass production of new types of military equipment and weapons. By 1939, the USSR had more universities and students than all European countries combined. The Five-Year Plan was interrupted by Hitler's treacherous attack on June 22, 1941. At the beginning of the war, 1,310 large industrial enterprises, one and a half million freight cars, and 10 million people were evacuated to the east.

3rd FIVE YEAR PLAN (1938–1942)

The head of state is J.V. Stalin.

3,000 new large industrial enterprises were put into operation (until June 1941)

The gross output of all industry increased by 45%, and of mechanical engineering by more than 70%.

The Uglichskaya and Komsomolskaya hydroelectric power stations came into operation.

Metallurgical plants were built - Novotagil and Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky.

Copper smelters were built - Sredneuralsky and Balkhash.

The Ufa Oil Refinery was built.

In 1940, the number of workers and employees increased to 31.2 million people compared to 11.4 million in 1928.

The Five-Year Plan took place during the years of anticipation of war, so spending on the army had to be constantly increased - 25% (1939), 34% (1940), 43.4% (1941).

The production of new types of military equipment was mastered - T-34 medium tanks and KV heavy tanks, BM-13 (Katyusha) rocket launchers, Il-2 attack aircraft (Flying Tank), Pe-2 bombers, LaGG-3 and Yak fighters -1.

It was not possible to complete the Five-Year Plan, and the war began.

Great Patriotic War (1941–1945)

By the beginning of the war, the Red Army in the border districts had a strength of about 2.7 million people, 1,475 new heavy and medium tanks (in total there were about 12 thousand), 1,540 aircraft of new designs (in total there were about 10 thousand). It took another 1–2 years to completely re-equip the army.

After the outbreak of the war, about 2,000 enterprises and 11 million people were evacuated to the east of the country, where approximately 20% of military factories were already operating, and there, on previously prepared sites, the work of these enterprises was quickly organized. From July 1941 to September 1945, Soviet industry produced 137 thousand aircraft, 104 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns and 489 thousand artillery pieces. This became possible thanks to the successful implementation of the first three Stalinist five-year plans.

Thus, as a result of grandiose transformations in the economy and social sphere in 1928–1940, a new social system was created in the country - socialism. A system with high industrial and military potential and a high moral and patriotic spirit of the people.

The strength of the new system was tested and confirmed during the Great Patriotic War.

The USSR won, but, along with huge human losses, industrial enterprises in the occupied territory were also partially or completely destroyed, which had to be restored.

During the war the Nazis burned and destroyed 1,710 cities and towns, 70 thousand villages and villages, over 6 million residential buildings, depriving 25 million people of shelter, 31,850 industrial enterprises, 65 thousand km of railway tracks and 4,100 stations, 40 thousand hospitals and other medical facilities institutions, 84 thousand schools, colleges, technical schools and universities, 43 thousand libraries, 36 thousand postal institutions and telephone exchanges; destroyed or removed 239 thousand electric motors and 175 thousand metal-cutting machines; they destroyed and plundered 98 thousand collective farms, 1,876 state farms, 2,890 machine and tractor stations; 71 million heads of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, horses, and 110 million heads of poultry were stolen to Germany.

In the shortest possible time, the military industry was developed in the east of the country, which provided the front with 138.5 thousand aircraft (of which 115.6 thousand were combat), 110.2 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 526.2 thousand guns and mortars, 19.8 million small arms. The industrial base created in the east during the war was further developed in the post-war period.

Fourth Five-Year Plan (1946–1950)

Already in 1948, the pre-war level of industrial production was basically achieved, and by 1950, fixed production assets increased to the level of 1940: in industry - by 41, in construction - by 141, in transport and communications - by 20 percent. The pre-war level in gross industrial output was exceeded by 73 percent. Agriculture, by most indicators, has also reached pre-war levels. By the end of the five-year plan, not only the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, but also all the power plants of the Dnieper region, Donbass, Chernozem region, and the North Caucasus came into operation again. The giants of metallurgy and mechanical engineering of the South began to work again. Starting from 1947, until 1953, in the spring there were reductions in retail prices for food and consumer goods. In 1950, the USSR deprived the United States of its monopoly on atomic weapons.

4th FIVE YEAR PLAN (1946–1950)

The head of state is J.V. Stalin.

The main economic and political task of the post-war five-year plan was formulated by J.V. Stalin on February 9, 1946: “Restore the affected areas of the country, restore the pre-war level of industry and agriculture and then exceed this level to a more or less significant extent.”

The Soviet people, with their heroic work, successfully solved this problem.

6,200 large industrial enterprises were built and restored.

The Zaporizhstal metallurgical plant has been restored.

The Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant came into operation.

All the Donbass mines have started working.

Agriculture reached pre-war levels.

Work on the Atomic Project progressed successfully - atomic weapons were created.

In addition to the achievements of the USSR, which were mentioned above, we only mention that there were also victories in the war with Finland (1939) and in the war with Japan (1945), and such a large-scale task as the creation of a socialist camp was solved.

Fifth Five-Year Plan (1951–1955)

Over the five-year period, national income increased by 71 percent, the volume of industrial production - by 85 percent, agricultural products - by 21 percent, and the volume of capital investments (investments) in the domestic economy - almost doubled. In 1952, the Volga-Don shipping canal came into operation. The first stages of factories for truck cranes, boring machines, and precision instruments went into operation in Ivanovo.

5th FIVE YEAR PLAN (1951–1955)

Head of state – J.V. Stalin (until March 5, 1953), N.S. Khrushchev.

More than 3,000 large industrial enterprises have been built.

National income increased by 71%.

The volume of industrial output increased by 85%.

The volume of agricultural production increased by 21%.

Capital investments have almost doubled.

Metallurgical plants were built: Transcaucasian and Cherepovets.

New hydroelectric power stations (in whole or in part) have come into operation: Tsimlyanskaya, Gorkovskaya, Ust-Kamenogorskaya.

A nuclear power plant was built in Obninsk (the first in the world).

New weapons appeared: atomic and hydrogen bombs.

The intensive development of the oil and gas industry began.

Growth in coal production.

Mechanical engineering and instrument making developed rapidly.

The Omsk Oil Refinery was built.

The Volgo-Don canal was built.

Qualitative changes took place in industry: there were 300 industries.

The Stavropol-Moscow gas pipeline (the largest in Europe) was built.

An increase in the number of tractors in rural areas from 139 thousand (1950) to 1 million (1955).

By the end of the 50s: tractors - 1 million, combines - 500 thousand, trucks - 700 thousand.

13 million hectares of new land were put into circulation.

Sixth Five-Year Plan (1956–1960)

Over the five-year period, national income increased by more than one and a half times, gross industrial output by 64 percent, agricultural output by 32 percent, and capital investment more than doubling. The Gorky, Irkutsk, Kuibyshev, and Volgograd hydroelectric power stations and the largest worsted plant in Europe in Ivanovo were put into operation. The development of virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan, Trans-Urals and Western Siberia has begun. On October 4, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in the USSR. The country received a reliable nuclear missile shield.

VI Five-Year Plan - was not completed; a Seven-Year Plan was adopted for the period from 1959 to 1965.

6th FIVE YEAR PLAN (1956–1960)

During 1956–1958, 2,400 large enterprises came into operation.

National income increased by 50% over the 5-year period.

Gross industrial output increased by 64%.

Gross agricultural output increased by 32%.

Capital investment has doubled.

The following hydroelectric power stations were built: Gorkovskaya, Irkutskaya, Kuibyshevskaya, Volzhskaya.

A worsted factory was built in Ivanovo (the largest in Europe).

The development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan has begun.

1 million tractors, 500 thousand grain combines, 700 thousand trucks worked in agriculture.

The country's nuclear missile shield has been created.

Seventh Five-Year Plan (1961–1965)

The Five-Year Plan began with Yuri Gagarin's April flight into space and culminated in an increase in national income by 60 percent, fixed production assets by 90 percent, gross industrial output by 84 percent, and agriculture by 15 percent.

SEVEN YEAR (1959–1965)

Head of state - N. S. Khrushchev.

In total, 5,500 large industrial enterprises were built.

National income for the period (1961–1965) increased by 60%, gross industrial output by 84%, and agricultural output by 15%.

Metallurgical plants were built: West Siberian, Karaganda.

Aluminum smelters were built: Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk.

A titanium-magnesium plant was built in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Mining and processing plants were built: Kachkanarsky, Gaisky.

Intensive development of chemical enterprises began.

The following chemical plants were built: Nevinnomyssky, Cheboksary, Shchekinsky, Cherkasy, Novinsky, Kedoinsky.

Superphosphate plants were built: Sumgait, Chardzhou, Gomel.

The construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station (the largest in the world) has been completed.

Construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station has begun.

The Bukhara-Ural gas pipeline was built (the total length of gas pipelines increased 4 times).

By 1965, the USSR took first place in the world in the extraction of iron ore, coal, and cement production.

Massive housing construction - in seven years, as much housing was built as was built in all previous years.

6 million people graduated from universities and technical schools.

Development of nuclear energy. The nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" was built (the first in the world).

Eighth Five-Year Plan (1966–1970)

Over the five-year period, national income increased by 42 percent, gross industrial output by 51 percent, and agricultural output by 21 percent. The Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Saratov hydroelectric power stations and the Volzhsky Automobile Plant were put into operation.

8th FIVE YEAR PLAN (1966–1970)

In total, 1,900 large industrial enterprises were built.

National income increased by 41%.

Total industrial production increased by 50%:

Electric power industry – by 54%;

Mechanical engineering – by 74%;

Instrumentation – 2.3 times;

Radio electronics and petrochemical industry - by 78%.

The volume of gross agricultural output increased by 21%.

Power plants built:

Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station (the largest in the world);

Slavyanskaya GRES.

On the European part, the creation of a unified energy system (UES), controlled from the center, has been completed.

Metallurgical plants were built (based on previously built plants):

West Siberian;


A VAZ automobile plant was built for 660 thousand cars per year.

Housing construction: 55 million people received free housing.

Successes in space: for the first time a complete map and globe of the Moon was compiled, a lunar rover, delivery of lunar soil to Earth, reached the surface of Venus.

Ninth Five-Year Plan (1971–1975)

Over the five-year period, national income increased by 28 percent, gross industrial output by 43 percent, and agricultural output by 13 percent. With the development of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia, petrochemical and oil refining enterprises were intensively built, 22.6 thousand kilometers of main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, 33.7 thousand kilometers of main gas pipelines and branches from them were laid.

9th FIVE YEAR PLAN (1971–1975)

The head of state is L. I. Brezhnev.

In total, 2,000 new heavy and light industry enterprises were built.

National income increased by 28%.

The volume of gross industrial output increased by 43%.

The volume of gross agricultural output increased by 13%.

A bearing plant was built in Kursk.

An automatic transfer line plant was built in Kostroma.

Built by Navoiazot software.

Thermal power plants were commissioned in Surgut, Zaporozhye, and the Syrdarya.

Construction of an industrial complex in Naberezhnye Chelny has begun.

The Kama Automobile Plant was built.

Intensive development of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia. 22.6 thousand km of main oil pipelines and 33.7 thousand km of main gas pipelines were laid.

Construction of petrochemical and oil refining enterprises.

Science developed, more than 5,000 research institutions operated.

Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976–1980)

Over the five-year period, national income increased by 24 percent, gross industrial output by 23 percent, and agricultural output by 10 percent. The Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station and the Kama Automobile Plant were commissioned. Accordingly, the length of main oil and gas pipelines has increased by another 15 thousand and 30 thousand km. In August 1977, the Soviet nuclear icebreaker Arktika reached the North Pole for the first time in the history of navigation.

10th FIVE YEAR PLAN (1976–1980)

The head of state is L. I. Brezhnev.

1,200 new large industrial enterprises came into operation.

National income increased by 21%.

The volume of gross industrial output increased by 24%.

The volume of gross agricultural output increased by 9%.

The length of main oil pipelines increased by 15 thousand km, and gas pipelines increased by 30 thousand km.

The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP began supplying electricity to the power grid in December 1978.

Construction of BAM (1974–1984).

1.8 million tractors, 540 thousand grain combines, 1.3 million trucks worked in agriculture.

The nuclear icebreaker Arktika reached the North Pole for the first time in the history of navigation.

Eleventh Five-Year Plan (1981–1985)

For the 11th Five-Year Plan, the national task was to give the country’s development even greater dynamism through more efficient use of production assets, their further development and renewal, the introduction of advanced technologies and achievements of scientific and technological progress, especially in heavy industry. In the light and food industries, along with the creation of new capacities, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises was actively carried out. The total length of main oil and gas pipelines and branches from them reached 54 thousand and 112 thousand kilometers, respectively. Overall, over the five-year period, national income and gross social product increased by another 19 percent. Real income per capita, payments and benefits to the population from public consumption funds increased by 11 and 25 percent, respectively.

11th FIVE YEAR PLAN (1981–1985)

Head of state - L. I. Brezhnev (until November 10, 1982), Yu. V. Andropov (until February 13, 1984), K. U. Chernenko (until March 10, 1985).

National income grew by 16.5%.

The volume of gross industrial output increased by 20%.

The volume of gross agricultural output increased by 11%.

The Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline was built: length 4451 km, crosses the Ural ridge and more than 600 rivers. Transportation of gas from Western Siberia to Western Europe.

The total length of main oil and gas pipelines and branches from them reached 54 thousand km and 112 thousand km, respectively.

Construction of the BAM (1974–1984): power lines, 1,400 bridges, 2,260 km of railway tracks.

50 million people received new housing.

There were 133 thousand libraries and 138 thousand clubs in the country.

Twelfth Five-Year Plan (1986–1990)

Determining the main directions of economic and social development of the USSR for the 12th Five-Year Plan and for the period until 2000, the XXVIII Congress of the CPSU set the task: to double the national income used for consumption and accumulation, payments and benefits to the population from public consumption funds, industrial output, increase real income per capita by 1.6–1.8 times. And at the start of the five-year plan, the planned pace of transformation was maintained. The pace of housing construction especially increased, which made the party’s goal to increase the country’s housing stock by one and a half times by 2000 and provide each family with a separate apartment quite realistic. This continued until Gorbachev, who was tormented by the “reformist” itch, actively pushed from the outside and the internal “fifth” column, started an active “perestroika” under the banner of “more glasnost, more socialism,” which turned into a disaster.

The 12th Five-Year Plan was not implemented due to the collapse of the USSR.

Five-year plans were a powerful force organizing and directing the work of millions of Soviet people.

The absolute value of one percent of the increase in all industrial output in the fifth five-year plan is 11 times greater than in the first five-year plan, and one percent of the increase in mechanical engineering and metalworking products is 43 times.

Only the size of one percent of the increase in electricity generation in the first year of the Sixth Five-Year Plan is almost equal to the entire electricity generation in 1913. The average annual absolute increase in coal production in the first five-year plan was 7.2 million tons, and in the fifth five-year plan – 26 million tons.

Growth of the main indicators of the USSR for the period 1913–1987.

Gross social product increased 88 times.

Industrial production increased 213 times.

Gross agricultural output increased 4.1 times.

The number of workers and employees increased by 9.2 times.

World achievements of the USSR. Place in the world in 1986

Tractors – 1st

Industrial products – 2nd

Mechanical engineering products – 2nd

Electricity – 2nd

Oil – 1st

Coal – 3rd

Cast iron – 1st

Steel – 1st

Cement – ​​2nd

Precast concrete structures – 1st

Cereals and leguminous crops – 3rd

Milk – 1st

Eggs – 1st.

But first we add that the Soviet Union, created on the territory of the Russian Empire, existed for about 70 years, transforming over the decades from an agricultural to a highly developed industrial power. During its existence, the country has been tested more than once, the most difficult of which was the war of 1941–1945. Despite the heavy losses in World War II, in many indicators in industry, agriculture, construction and transport in the mid-1980s, the Soviet Union was ahead of developed Western countries, including the United States.

The achievements of the USSR in science (especially in space exploration), education, culture, sports, and healthcare are undeniable.

“However,” as author I. Kalabekov laments, “the attempt to create a classless society, a society without thieves and bandits, oligarchs, embezzlers and corrupt officials, moneylenders and speculators, alcoholics and drug addicts, failed. In capitalist countries, whose economies developed on the principles of fierce competition, labor productivity was higher than in the USSR. While developing heavy industry, and, above all, its defense sectors, the leaders of the USSR paid little attention to the growth of the living standards of citizens and their growing needs. The private sector of the economy did not develop. There are several reasons for the rapid collapse of the once mighty state; they are discussed in many books and publications.”

The conclusions made by journalist S. Shevchenko sum up what the Soviet people, led by the party and the country's leaders, were able to achieve through selfless work. We do not analyze the mistakes made by the leadership during the construction of socialism, we do not criticize the system, but only state the real facts. And these facts are more eloquent than any words, because they confirm: WE HAVE LOST A GREAT COUNTRY! But let us turn to the words of a person whose opinion the author fully shares:

"1. State ownership of the means of production, a planned economy and communist ideology made it possible in 12 years (1928–1940) of the first Stalinist five-year plans to build the foundation of socialism - to eliminate illiteracy, carry out collectivization, and transform the country from an agricultural to an industrial one. Over these 12 years, more than 7,000 large, modern, world-class industrial enterprises were built. These successes made it possible to arm the army (tanks, planes) and defeat fascism.

2. In the post-war period, the Soviet economy also worked very efficiently and solved large-scale problems - the rapid restoration of the country after the war, the development of virgin lands, mass housing construction, the development of energy and chemistry, and space exploration. All these successes are clearly visible from the results of the 5th Five-Year Plan, the 6th Five-Year Plan, the Seven-Year Plan and the 8th Five-Year Plan (N.S. Khrushchev, L.I. Brezhnev). During these 20 years (1951–1970), 12,800 large modern industrial enterprises were built.

3. In the period 1975–1980, a crisis of the model of socialism that was implemented in the pre-war years began to develop in the USSR. The crisis could be overcome without abandoning socialism. But M. S. Gorbachev and his supporters, out of stupidity or malicious intent, having started “perestroika,” destroyed the old model and did not create a new one, which led to the disaster and death of the USSR. Socialist civilization has perished.”

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Achievements in the USSR. Chronicles of a Great Civilization (Sophia Benois, 2015) provided by our book partner -

Contribution of the Soviet nation to world civilization

Russian media with a democratic orientation are repeating around the clock that the Russian people are backward, second-rate, inferior, incapable of anything serious in science and technology, and Russia’s task now is only to wander in the tail of world civilization and try not to far behind the developed capitalist countries.

And our youth believes them because they do not have the slightest idea about the life of an ordinary person in the Soviet Union, about the technical, scientific and social achievements of Soviet power and Soviet society. They really believe that the Soviet medium tank T-34 is an American tank we converted, the Kalashnikov assault rifle we borrowed from the Germans, and the atomic bomb we stole from the Americans, and our space rockets are copied German developments of their latest models V-3 and V-4, captured by us in one of their missile centers in the Baltic.

I constantly have to communicate with modern Russian youth. And I am amazed at her absolute “ignorance” of the history of her country in the twentieth century. That’s why I once gave them a lecture about the Soviet contribution to world civilization.

The students were in real shock. They did not know that Soviet civilization had such enormous achievements in the technical and social development of the world. Although I told them only what was preserved in my memory from Soviet times, when I worked for over fifteen years as a freelance expert at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of State Patent Examination or VNIIPGE and examined applications for inventions. And for this I had to be aware of the latest technical developments in the world. I present an excerpt from this lecture for your consideration.



Vitaly Ovchinnikov
2. Tank KV. Even the Germans themselves recognized it as the best heavy tank of the first half of the Second World War and which the Germans could not knock out with any of their anti-tank guns. They equalized their chances in heavy tanks only with the release of their heavy tanks of the Tiger and Panther series.

3. Tank IS-2. The best heavy tank of the end of the Second World War, which even the fascist Tigers of all modifications could not compete with. Most foreign experts reluctantly admit this fact.

4. Yak-3 fighter. The best light fighter of the Second World War, according to many foreign experts. Its tactical and technical qualities are superior to any fighters of that time.

5. The Soviet atomic bomb, which we made in just two years from practically nothing. We can talk a lot about the fact that we allegedly took the atomic bomb project from the Americans. Speak up if you have nothing else to do. Paper with drawings is one thing, but a finished object in the form of a nuclear charge is completely different.
Now drawings of an atomic charge can be obtained on the Internet. Take it and do it! Who's stopping you?! However, nothing will work. Because for its production it is necessary to create an appropriate scientific, technical and production base. And this base had to be created in a war-ravaged country. And the Soviet people, under the leadership of the Soviet government and their Communist Party, created such a base. But for some reason there is no monument to this unprecedented feat of the Soviet people.

6. The hydrogen bomb, which we made first in the world, ahead of the Americans themselves, who began working on it much earlier and worked on it for almost ten years. And we received it in 1949 on war-ravaged land. What kind of powerful potential did Soviet civilization have if it turned out to be capable of such an impossible thing?!

7. The world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk. As an example of the peaceful use of the atom. The Americans made atomic bombs and nuclear submarines, but we took it and, with the help of the atom, launched a power plant for ourselves, ahead of rich, fat America, which had never fought on its territory.

8. The world's first nuclear icebreaker. Another example of the peaceful Soviet approach to the use of nuclear energy on earth.

9. The world's first earth satellite. This was a terrible blow to the prestige and psychology of Americans. And they considered this Soviet success an accident.

10. But then came the world’s first launch of living beings of the highest class into space, the dogs Belka and Strelka and their return to earth.

11. And then something happened that Americans still cannot forgive us. The world's first Cosmonaut, a citizen of the Soviet Union, Yuri Gagarin, appeared. It was then that the President of the United States uttered his famous words: the Russians beat us in the competition for Space at the school desk. And it is precisely this, the best education in the world, that today’s Russian radical democrats have been actively destroying for two decades.

12. And then came our impressive achievements in the development of osmosis: the world's first photographs of the far side of the moon delivered to earth, and the world's first lunar globe with a detailed lunar relief.

13. The first pennant from the earth, taken to the moon and left there forever, as a symbol of the triumph of the Soviet Socialist system on this earth.

14. The world's first moving vehicle, the so-called lunar rover, was delivered to the moon and moved for many months on the surface of the moon and transmitted images of the moon to the earth.

15. The world's first orbital space station, orbiting the earth, with rotating crews of astronauts working on it for several months at a time.

16. The world's first reusable spacecraft called "Buran", launched from an orbital aircraft and returning to earth automatically. An outstanding Soviet space achievement, which was later thrown into the trash heap at the direction of the US STATE DEPARTMENT by the new owners of Russia.

17. The world's first super-high-rise, the so-called Ostankino TV tower, built according to an unusual and extremely safe domestic project.

18. The best rifle machine in the world, the brilliant Soviet worker who became an Outstanding Soviet designer, Mikhail Kalashnikov. In today's Russia, someone like him would never be able to get a job as anyone other than a loader in the market.

19. The world's most widespread semi-automatic welding of metal structures in a shielding gas environment with a consumable electrode, now called Russian welding or welding in a carbon dioxide environment.

20. Automatic submerged arc welding of metals, with the help of which we welded tank hulls in the “Tankograd” in the Urals during the Second World War.

21. Automatic welding of metal of unlimited thickness, the so-called electroslag welding, which in Soviet times was widely used in the manufacture of large body parts for various purposes weighing up to several thousand tons.

22. One of the most widespread methods for producing high-alloy steels with specified properties, now called electroslag remelting.

23. Development of mass production of multilayer twisted pipes for high-pressure gas pipelines, butt welding of which during installation in the field is now carried out using the method proposed by the author of this article.

24. Mastering the production of brazed instead of welded metal masts of high-voltage transmissions.

25. Mastering the production of the world's largest converters for steel smelting with a capacity of over five hundred tons.

26. Mastering the production of converter steel with blowing the liquid melt with oxygen instead of air.

27. Introduction of a unified energy system in the country, the only one in the world for such large states. America still doesn’t have it, but we have it! More precisely - it was! Mr. Chubais, together with his friend Yeltsin, destroyed it.

28. A single geological map for the entire country, which can still be used to predict the locations of various minerals. No major country in the world still has such a map.

29. The world's first installation for controlled thermonuclear fusion of the TOKAMAK type

30. The world's first mobile installation for launching ballistic missiles based on railway cars, which still has no analogues in the world and which was destroyed in our country at the request of the US STATE DEPARTMENT in the memorable nineties.

31. The world's first nuclear submarine with a double-layer welded hull, capable of operating at depths of over six hundred meters.

31. The world's first nuclear submarine with a welded titanium hull, capable of diving to depths of up to a thousand meters.

34. The world's first aircraft with variable wing geometry, which once made a splash at the air parade in Le Bourget.

35. The world's first aircraft with vertical lift and landing.

36. The world's first jet passenger airliner.

37. The world's first supersonic passenger airliner.

38. In general, it must be admitted that more than forty percent of world passenger aviation in the second half of the twentieth century were equipped with Soviet aircraft.

39. The world's first ekranoplan, a kind of flying hybrid of a sea ship and an aircraft, which was tested in the late eighties and which still has no analogues in the world.

40. The world's first giant transport aircraft, capable of carrying over 250 tons of payload by air.

41. The world's first hydrofoil ship.

42. The world's first resistance butt welding of large-sized housings of diesel engines of diesel locomotives and sea vessels.

43. The world's first industrial flash butt welding of main pipeline pipes in field conditions.

44. The world's first and only rotary machine for processing hydraulic turbine casings with a faceplate diameter of fifteen meters.

46. ​​The world's first heavy-duty dump truck with a lifting capacity of 850 tons for coal and iron ore deposits in southern Yakutia.

47.The only country in the world that produces high-power walking excavators with a bucket volume of over 150 cubic meters.

48. The only country in the world that produces high-power floating dredges for extracting gold and rare earth minerals from the bottom of rivers.

Everything that I mentioned here is just what immediately came to my mind and what can be said immediately, offhand, and what was known to almost every technically literate and technically inquisitive Soviet person. Much has been written about these achievements of ours in the magazines “Technology for Youth”, “Knowledge and Power”, “Science and Life”, “Young Technician” and in a number of other periodicals of the Soviet Union, published in millions of copies. And which we don’t have in our country now. They were replaced by countless glossy magazines with half-naked and completely naked girls.

And I probably missed something and for that I apologize to my readers. But if anyone has additions to this list of mine, I will gladly accept them!

This suggests an elementary conclusion, from which you cannot escape, even if you wanted to. The conclusion is the following: in its development, the Soviet Union was at the forefront of world technological progress and its contribution to the development of human civilization is extremely great. That is, the Soviet state system turned out to be an order of magnitude more effective than the capitalist one. Despite its natural costs and the three terrible wars that swept across our open spaces.

That is, the Soviet state system turned out to be an order of magnitude more effective than the capitalist one. Despite its natural costs and the three terrible wars that swept across our open spaces.


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