What does Andersen's fairy tale teach? What does Andersen's fairy tale teach? Andersen's fairy tale the little mermaid main characters

The fairy tale “The Little Mermaid” can be interpreted in two ways.

On the one hand, this tale teaches:

  • kindness;
  • love;
  • sincerity.

On the other hand, it teaches that one should not turn to black forces for help, because nothing good will come of it. This is illustrated by the example of the Little Mermaid.

The little mermaid saved the prince and sincerely fell in love with him. For the sake of her loved one, she was ready to make any sacrifice, without thinking about herself. She gave her beautiful voice to the evil witch, and received legs in return and went with her beloved. She went through physical pain, it was painful for her to walk, she stepped on the sand as if on a knife blade, but she endured. The little mermaid was happy only because she was finally next to him, with her prince, but her feelings remained unrequited; the prince fell in love with her as a sister. He knew nothing about her, and the Little Mermaid silently looked at him and could not say anything, could not tell him that she had saved him, about the sacrifices she had made to meet him. She lived next to the prince and did not know that her fairy tale would soon end.

The tragedy of the fairy tale The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid's heart was torn to pieces when he met and fell in love with another. This girl was most similar to the one who saved him and prevented him from drowning. He kept the image of the Little Mermaid in his heart and did not know that she was nearby, and she could not say anything, because she gave her voice to the black forces.

The little mermaid understood that she would soon turn into sea foam, but she could not kill the prince in order to become a mermaid again and live three hundred years with her family. After all, life was not good for her without the prince. She saw that he loved the princess, wished them happiness and rushed into the sea. The little mermaid loved the prince and sincerely wished him to be happy, even with someone else.

This children's fairy tale tells children about feelings that are not childish at all, and shows what true love is like: pure, bright, selfless. This fairy tale teaches that if a person truly loves, he will never commit a crime, he will sooner sacrifice himself in the name of love.

Year: 1836 Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: The mermaid is the youngest daughter of the sea king, the Prince is her lover

The sea king lives with his mother and six daughters. When the youngest of them turns fifteen, she is allowed to surface and falls in love with a prince celebrating his birthday on a ship. The ship encounters a strong storm, and the little mermaid saves the drowning prince, leaving him on the shore near the nunnery.

She yearns for her lover and decides to make a deal with the witch: the girl’s tail turns into legs, but walking gives her unbearable pain, she loses her voice, forever separates from her family and is doomed to die if the prince marries someone else. During matchmaking in a neighboring kingdom, he finds the girl who, he believes, saved him on the shore then, and takes her as his wife. The sisters suggest that she kill the prince to lift the spell, but she lacks the strength and rushes into the abyss, but does not die, but becomes the daughter of the air.

The main idea. The fairy tale teaches us love and self-sacrifice. She shows how important it is to believe in your dream - it was thanks to her that the little mermaid did not die, but found a new life.

Read the summary of Andersen The Little Mermaid

In the deepest place of the sea stood the palace of the sea king. The king had been a widower for a long time, and his six princess granddaughters were raised by their old mother. All day long they played in the palace and garden. Unlike the other princesses, the youngest was quiet and thoughtful. She loved only her flowerbed with bright red flowers that reminded her of the sun, and the marble statue of a boy that fell from a ship. The little mermaid loved listening to her grandmother's stories about the human world.

Only from the age of fifteen were they allowed to go upstairs, but no one wanted this as much as the youngest. Year after year, the sisters surfaced and returned with admiring stories. Finally, the little mermaid had a chance to rise above the water. She found herself next to a ship, from the deck of which singing and music could be heard. The people were dressed smartly, but the young prince seemed to her the most beautiful of all. For a long time she could not take her eyes off him.

A storm began and the ship was tossed about by the waves. The waves swept over the ship and laid it on its side. It became dark, but when lightning flashed, the little mermaid saw the prince fall into the sea. She saved him by taking him to the shore where the monastery stood. Soon the girls ran out of the building, and one of them found the prince. He smiled at the girl, and the little mermaid felt sad, because he didn’t even know about her existence. One day she told her sister about everything, and soon all the sisters already knew everything. One of them led her to the prince's castle. The little mermaid wanted to achieve the love of the young man.

One day, after leaving the ball, she went to the witch. The sorceress agreed to make a potion for her that would turn a fish tail into a pair of slender legs. Her gait would be graceful, but every step would cause unbearable pain. At the same time, she would never be able to return to her family, and if the prince married someone else, the little mermaid would turn into sea foam. The princess agreed, and in exchange for the favor, the witch cut out her tongue.

Sailing to the palace at night, the little mermaid drank the potion and lost consciousness. The prince found the girl and brought her to his palace. She danced so magnificently that everyone admired her and applauded her. Over time, he became more and more attached to her, but still treated her like a cute little child, with no intention of taking her as his wife. He admitted that his heart was occupied by the one who saved him long ago on the shore. The Little Mermaid was worried that she could not tell him the truth.

The prince's parents sent him to a neighboring king to meet his future bride. In her the prince recognized the very girl he was looking for. They celebrated the wedding and went to the young man’s homeland. The Little Mermaid has one last night left to spend it with the one for whom she left her home. Suddenly she noticed her sisters with cropped hair - they gave it to the witch in exchange for a knife with which the girl was supposed to pierce the prince’s hearts. His blood would turn her legs into a tail, and she could return to the sea. But the little mermaid did not find the strength to take her lover’s life and threw the dagger into the sea. She threw herself into the water and turned into sea foam. But the girl did not feel death - instead, wonderful creatures, daughters of the air, appeared before her. They took her with them to where the little mermaid would find love and happiness. Invisible, the girl touched the forehead of the prince's wife with her lips, smiled at the young man and ascended to the clouds.

Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale The Little Mermaid

Picture or drawing of the Little Mermaid

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In the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid,” the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen touches on one of the most important issues for a person: about love and self-sacrifice, about the ability to spare the feelings of people dear to you to the detriment of your own, about the fact that sometimes in the name of love you have to die in order to be happy beloved even without you.

The Little Mermaid is the youngest daughter of the sea king, who is not allowed to swim to land. She lives in complete prosperity in her father's palace at the bottom of the sea, but she is bored with such a life. One day, during a storm, the Little Mermaid sees a beautiful young man drowning after being shipwrecked. The sea princess's heart trembled; she could not allow his death and therefore managed to pull the young man onto land on her own. She liked the victim unusually, the Little Mermaid falls in love, but she is forced to return to the bottom.

The little mermaid cannot stop thinking about the beautiful young man. But the tragedy of the whole situation is that mermaids cannot love mere mortals. Their fate is to live three hundred years at the bottom and turn into sea foam. Love is deadly for a mermaid.

But the Little Mermaid finds herself under the control of her emotions. She makes an agreement with the sea sorceress and gives her her vote, in return receiving human legs (and, therefore, the opportunity to go ashore). However, the sorceress sets a condition: if within a few days the Little Mermaid fails to achieve mutual love from the prince, then at sunset she will die and turn into sea foam. The mermaid in love agrees, because life is not sweet to her without the prince.

Selfless love of the Little Mermaid

However, fate plays a cruel joke on the Little Mermaid: she actually manages to meet the prince, he invites her to his palace... however, the feeling he feels for her is rather the affectionate sympathy of his older brother (and he calls the girl “my dumb foundling with talking eyes "), but not the love of a man. He is forced to marry a princess from a neighboring country because his parents want him and expects the Little Mermaid to be happy for him. She is in despair because the prince’s wedding means death for her.

And the Little Mermaid accepts this death calmly, not succumbing to temptation: after all, her sisters, who also signed an agreement with the witch, offered her to kill the prince before the wedding, then she would again become a mermaid and live at the bottom of the sea for the three hundred years allotted to her. But the Little Mermaid does not agree; the happiness of her beloved is more important to her. She waits for their wedding, which is just at sunset, and quietly and imperceptibly disappears, turning into sea foam.

Thanks to this ending, Andersen leads his readers to the idea that the main thing in love is the ability to give your life for another and sincerely rejoice in the happiness of your loved one, even if he does not belong to you. The Little Mermaid in this sense is an ideal of self-sacrifice.


THE LITTLE MERMAID (Dan. Den Lille Havfrue) - the heroine of the fairy tale by H.K. Andersen's "The Little Mermaid" (1836-1837). The origins of the plot are in the folklore theme of the love of a mermaid for a person (for example, Melusine in Celtic mythology). Several of Andersen's poetic works were devoted to this topic. R. is one of the six daughters of the widowed sea king, of course, the youngest, as befits the heroine of Andersen’s fairy tale: the smallest and weakest. Upon reaching the age of 15, the mermaid sisters received permission to go up, to the shore, to the ground, to look at the world of people. This journey marked the coming of age of the daughters of the sea king. When R.'s turn came, she realized that she wanted to live among people. The heroine saw and fell in love with a handsome prince, she decided to live a short human life (mermaids live for three hundred years) in order to later gain an immortal soul (mermaids, when they die, turn into sea foam). She managed, by paying an exorbitantly high price to the sea witch, to find herself among the people. She lost her magical voice, and every step of her lovely legs, which grew in place of her tail, caused her acute pain. But the main condition for achieving immortality was the love of the prince. When he fell in love and married someone else, R. died. She did not use the only chance for her salvation: by piercing the prince’s heart, she could, by sprinkling his legs with his blood, become a mermaid again. Of course, R. spared her beloved and died herself. R. is one of Andersen’s rare tragic heroines, among whom she stands out for her special melancholic charm. But she is close to such heroines as Gerda from “The Snow Queen” and Eliza from “Wild Swans”, with their courage, perseverance, and generosity. The image of R. became a symbol of Denmark. Created in 1913 by sculptor E. Eriksen, “The Little Mermaid” is installed in the Copenhagen port.

Lit.: Braude L. Hans Christian Andersen and his collections “Fairy Tales Told to Children” and “New Fairy Tales” // Andersen H.K. Fairy tales told to children. New fairy tales. M., 1983. P.279-321; Braude L. Creation of a literary fairy tale // Braude L. Scandinavian literary fairy tale. M., 1979. P.44-98.

The fairy tale of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen "The Little Mermaid" has long become world famous and popular, despite its sad ending. It is loved and known in most countries of the world, although the fact that it was written for children sometimes raises great doubts, the plot is too serious and complicated.

Brief summary of the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" by Andersen

The Little Mermaid is a fish girl who lives in the depths of the sea. Her father is a widower, who, in addition to the main character of the fairy tale, has 5 older daughters. Our Little Mermaid is the youngest, most beloved and most defenseless daughter of her father. A brief summary cannot convey the fullness of the girl’s experiences. The Little Mermaid is very eager to see the world of people unknown to her. When a young girl turns 15, she is allowed to go upstairs, to where people live, not fish, and look at the world that until now seemed unknown to her and seemed even non-existent.

And now this child rises up, and, ironically, she has to become an eyewitness to a shipwreck in which a young and handsome prince dies. The little mermaid cannot be indifferent and indifferent; she, of course, rushes to his aid and saves him. What will the summary of the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid” by Andersen tell us next?

Continuation. Beautiful Prince

The fact that the prince is truly beautiful is not a proven fact at all, but the young and hot heart of the sea maiden perceives him exactly like that, because in an instant it lights up with love for the young man. Let's explore the summary further. “The Little Mermaid” says that the young prince, unfortunately, does not know the name of his savior, because she is forced to hide in the depths of the sea. But even there she finds no place for herself, grieving with love for the prince and coming to the understanding that she cannot even live without him. That’s when the thought of a sea witch comes into her little head, who has considerable power and can, without a doubt, help her grief.

The little mermaid goes to the sea witch, and she - lo and behold! - agrees to help her, but with considerable conditions. Namely: she demands in return the voice of the Little Mermaid, which is as beautiful as a fresh stream. In addition, the sea witch sets very short deadlines so that the girl can win the heart of her hero, otherwise she will die at sunset, turning into sea foam.

Little mermaid among people

And then the sea maiden in an instant turned from a fish-man into a real person. Unfortunately, a brief summary does not allow us to describe her feelings. The little mermaid was invited by the prince to the palace. It would seem, what more could a young girl wish for, because now she was next to her lover! However, her love did not find a reciprocal feeling. The young man did not love her, but treated her as a friend. And to top off all the troubles of the poor Little Mermaid, he also marries a princess from a neighboring kingdom.

Love and its highest manifestation - self-sacrifice - are presented in the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid". A summary of the tale cannot ignore this main idea of ​​the story about the sea girl. She sacrifices herself in the name of love. Her love does not demand anything for herself; she wants to see her loved one happy. She is not selfish and does not demand reciprocal feelings from her beloved.

Completion of the fairy tale

Our summary is coming to an end. The little mermaid will die if the prince does not love her. However, the sisters, who love the girl immensely, agree with the sea witch that their sister’s salvation is possible if she kills the prince. They persuade the Little Mermaid, but she does not agree. Her love is selfless, she is ready to give everything, even her life, so that the prince she loves lives and is happy. In the end, this is what happens. The girl dies, the prince remains to live, not even suspecting how close he was to possible death, and the Little Mermaid saves him twice.

The little mermaid turns into the depths of the sea, where she came from and where she was supposed to go, having lived 300 years. However, her life was cut short at the age of just 15, but over the years she showed a true example of courage, generosity and self-sacrifice. A summary of the book "The Little Mermaid" will always lead the reader to an understanding of what lies behind these words, which are the ideal of true love. Therefore, we can say that this fairy tale was written not so much for children as for adults, although children would also benefit from understanding real feelings.

The little mermaid in animation

In 1989, the world-famous animation company Walt Disney filmed its 28th cartoon filmed at this studio. The animators chose the world storyteller Hans Christian Anderson as the author. "The Little Mermaid", a summary of which was presented above, was taken as the basis when creating the plot. A fairy tale with a tragic ending would hardly be a great success, and in general children do not like unhappy endings to stories. Therefore, the creators of the cartoon modified the main plot, changing the ending.

In the cartoon, the handsome prince no longer treats the mute girl as a friend; on the contrary, from the very beginning she attracts his male attention, he is drawn to her, but in his soul he conceals the memory of his savior and her wonderful voice, which he heard on the shore . The cartoon ends, as one would expect from the very beginning, happily, evil is defeated and good is rewarded. This cartoon has long won the love of millions of boys and girls, and children and adults still enjoy watching it.


In Denmark, the Little Mermaid is recognized as a symbol of the state, and monuments to her can be repeatedly seen on the streets of this country. Despite the fact that the great storyteller wrote many worthy fairy tales, it is the image of the Little Mermaid that is the first thing that comes to mind when his name is mentioned. Many girls are brought up on this image, later transferring it into their future family life. One can, of course, debate whether this is a good thing. Many will say that you need to remember at least a little about yourself, otherwise who will take care of you? However, it was precisely through her self-sacrifice that the Little Mermaid (a brief summary of the fairy tale shows this) became famous throughout the world and remained in the hearts of millions of people who read this work.

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